Important MCQ on Surveying
1) In plane surveying,
(a) The curvature of the earth is taken into consideration
(b) the surveys extend over small areas✓
(c) the surveys extend over large areas
2) The curvature of the earth is taken into consideration if the limit of survey is
(a) 50 to 100 km2
(b) 100 to 200 km2
(c) 200 to 250 km2
(d) more than 250 km2✓
3) When 1 cm on a map represents 10 m on the ground, the representative fraction of the scale is
(a) 1/10
(b) 1/100
(c) 1/1000✓
(d) 1/10000
4) The representative fraction 1 / 2500 means that the scale is
(a) 1 cm = 0.25 m
(b) 1 cm = 2.5 m
(c) 1 cm = 25 m✓
(d) 1 cm = 250 m
5) A plain scale is used to read
(a) one dimension
(b) two dimensions✓
(c) three dimensions
(d) all of these
6) A line joining the apex of a triangle to some fixed point on the opposite side is called a
(a) check line✓
(b) tie line
(c) base line
(d) none of these
8) A base line in a chain survey
(a) checks the accuracy of the framework
(b) enables the surveyor to locate the interior details which are far away from the main chain lines
(c) fixes up the directions of all other lines✓
(d) all of the above
9) Chain surveying is most suitable when
(a) area to be surveyed is small
(b) ground is fairly level and open with simple details
(c) plans are required on a large scale
(d) all of the above✓
10) In a well conditioned triangle, no angle should be less than
(a) 30° ✓
(b) 40°
(c) 50°
(d) 60°
11) The mimiting length of the offset is
(a) 5 m
(b) 10 m
(c) 15 m✓
(d) 20 m
12) The adjustable cross-staff is used for setting out an offset
(a) at an angle of 45°
(b) at an angle of 60°
(c) at a right angle
(d) at any angle✓
13) An open cross-staff is commonly used for setting out
(a) short offsets
(b) long offsets✓
(c) oblique offsets
(d) none of these
14) The angle of intersection of the horizon glass and index glass in an optical square is
(a) 30°
(b) 45° ✓
(c) 60°
(d) 75°
15) The index glass in an optical square is
(a) wholly silvered✓
(b) wholly unsilvered
(c) one-fourth silvered and three-fourth unsilvered
(d) half silvered and half unsilvered
16) The optical square is used to measure angles by
(a) refraction
(b) reflection✓
(c) double refraction
(d) double reflection
17) The angle between the reflecting surfaces of a prism square is
(a) 30°
(b) 45° ✓
(c) 60°
(d) 75°
18) In a whole circle bearing system, S 25°15' E corresponds to
(a) 115°15'
(b) 154°45'✓
(c) 205°15'
(d) 334°45'
19) In a whole circle bearing system N 25°15' W corresponds to
(a) 115°15'
(b) 154°45'
(c) 205°15'
(d) 334°45'✓
20) If the fore bearing of a line is 36°15', its back bearing will be
(a) 36°15'
(b) 126°15'
(c) 143°45'
(d) 216°15'✓
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Important MCQ on Surveying |
21) If the fore bearing of a line is
(a) 36°15'
(b) 126°15'
(c) 143°45'
(d) 216°15'✓
22) If the fore bearing of a line is N 26°35' W, its back bearing will be
(a) S 26°35' E✓
(b) S 26°35' W
(c) N 26°35' E
(d) N 53°25' W
23) The horizontal angle between the true meridian and a survey line is called
(a) magnetic bearing
(b) azimuth✓
(c) dip
(d) magnetic declination
24) The horizontal angle between the true meridian and magnetic meridian is known as
(a) true bearing
(b) dip
(c) local attraction
(d) magnetic declination✓
25) At the equator, the amount of dip is
(a) 0° ✓
(b) 45°
(c) 60°
(d) 90°
26) At the magnetic poles, the amount of dip is
(a) 0°
(b) 45°
(c) 60°
(d) 90° ✓
27) A back sight indicates the
(a) shifting
(b) setting up✓
(c) height
28) A fixed point of reference of known elevation is called
(a) change point
(b) station point
(c) bench mark✓
(d) datum
29) A staff reading taken on a bench mark or a point of known elevation is called
(a) fore sight reading
(b) back sight reading✓
(c) intermediate sight
(d) any one of these
30) The reduced level of the plane of collimation is
(a) equal to✓
(b) less than
(c) greater than
31) Collimation method is used in
(a) profile levelling
(b) differential levelling
(c) check levelling
(d) both (a) and (b) ✓
32) In levelling, the correction for combined curvature and refraction (in metres) is equal to
(a) 0.00785 D2
(b) 0.0785 D2
(c) 0.0112 D2
(d) 0.0673 D2✓
33) The contour lines can cross one another on map only in the case of
(a) a vertical cliff
(b) a valley
(c) a ridge
(d) an overhanging cliff✓
34) Contour lines cross ridge or valley lines at
(a) 30°
(b) 45°
(c) 60°
(d) 90° ✓
35) In route surveys, the most suitable method of contouring is
(a) by squares
(b) by radial lines
(c) by cross-sections ✓
(d) by tacheometer
36) The reduced level of a point on the ground is called
(a) spot level
(b) spot height
(c) either (a) or (b) ✓
(d) none of these
37) The spacing of cross-sections in a hilly country is usually
(a) 5 m
(b) 10 m
(c) 15 m
(d) 20 m✓
38) In indirect method of contouring, the best method of interpolation of contours is
(a) by graphical method
(b) by estimation
(c) by arithmetical calculation✓
(d) all of these
39) The length of peg interval for flat curves is
(a) 15 m
(b) 20 m
(c) 25 m
(d) 30 m✓
40) The curve used for ideal transition curve is a
(a) cubic parabola
(b) clothoid spiral
(c) cubic spiral
(d) lemniscate✓
41) The shift of a curve is
(a) equal to
(b) one-half
(c) one-third
(d) one-fourth✓