Important MCQ on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
1) Residual soils are
(a) sands
(b) silts
(c) clays
(d) all of these ✓
2) Cohesionless soils are
(a) Sands ✓
(b) clays
(c) silts
(d) silts and clays
3) The maximum size of grains of silts is about
(a) 0.06 mm ✓
(b) 0.2 mm
(c) 0.5 mm
(d) 1 mm
4) Silt is a
(a) material deposited by a glacier
(b) soil composed of two different soils
(c) fine grained soil with little or no plasticity✓
(d) clay with a high percentage of the clay mineral
5) Black cotton soil
(a) is inorganic in nature
(b) contains large percentage of clay mineral
(c) exhibits high compressibility
(d) all of these ✓
6) Black cotton soils are
(a) Expensive ✓
(b) residual
7) A fine grained soil
(a) has low permeability
(b) has high compressibility
(c) may or may not be plastic
(d) all of these ✓
8) Consolidation and compressibility of soil
(a) is a measure of the ability of soil to allow the water to pass through its pores
(b) is a measure of the ability of soil to bear stresses without failure
(c) deals with changes in volume of pores in a soil under load✓
(d) any one of the above
9) The minimum size of grains of silts is about
(a) 0.0002 mm✓
(b) 0.002 mm
(c) 0.02 mm
(d) 0.2 mm
10) The property of a soil which is of great importance in finding settlement of structures, is
(a) permeability
(b) sher strength
(c) Consolidation ✓
(d) compressibility
11) and is almost non-compressible.
(a) Correct✓
(b) Incorrect
12) The maximum size of the particles of clay is about
(a) 0.0002 mm
(b) 0.002 mm✓
(c) 0.02 mm
(d) 0.2 mm
13) If the pores of a soil are completely full of air only, the soil is said to be
(a) wet soil
(b) dry soil✓
(c) fully saturated soil
(d) partially saturated soil
14) The moist soil is
(a) fully
(b) Partially ✓
15) The ratio of the unit weight of soil solids to that of water is called
(a) void ratio
(b) porosity
(c) specific gravity✓
(d) degree of saturation
16) The unit weight of a soil at zero air voids depends upon
(a) unit weight of water
(b) water content
(c) specific gravity
(d) all of these✓
17) The relation between the air content (ac) and the degree of saturation (s) is
(a) ac = s
(b) ac = 1 – s ✓
(c) ac = 1 + s
(d) ac = 1/s
18) The degree of saturation for fully saturated soil is
(a) 0.25
(b) 0.5
(c) 0.75
(d) 1✓
19) The void ratio for saturated soil is equal to the
(a) sum
(b) difference
(c) product✓
(d) ratio
20) The ratio of the volume of air voids to the volume of voids, is called
(a) void ratio
(b) air content✓
(c) degree of saturation
(d) porosity
21) The difference between maximum void ratio and minimum void ratio of a sand sample is 0.30. If the relative density of this sample is 66.6% at a void ratio of 0.40, then the void ratio of this sample at its loosest state will be
(a) 0.4
(b) 0.6✓
(c) 0.7
(d) 0.75
22) The dry density of a soil is 1.5 g/cm3. If the saturation water content is 50%, then its saturated density and submerged density will respectively be
(a) 1.5 g / cm3 and 1.0 g / cm3
(b) 2.0 g / cm3 and 1 g / cm3
(c) 2.25 g / cm3 and 1.25 g / cm3✓
(d) 2.50 g / cm3 and 1.50 g / cm3
23) A soil sample is having a specific gravity of 2.60 and a void ratio of 0.78. The water content in percentage required to fully saturate the soil at that void ratio will be
(a) 10
(b) 30✓
(c) 50
(d) 70
24) The specific gravity of a soil is the ratio of unit weight of soil solids to that of water at a temperature of
(a) 4°C
(b) 17°C
(c) 27°C✓
(d) 36°C
25) A dry soil sample weighing 100 g has volume of 60 ml and specific gravity 2.5. Its void ratio is
(a) 0.4
(b) 0.5✓
(c) 0.6
(d) 0.8
26) For a given soil mass, the void ratio is 0.60, water content is 18% and specific gravity of the soil particles is 2.6. The degree of saturation of the soil is
(a) 30%
(b) 50%
(c) 78%✓
(d) 82.50%
27) The water content is the ratio of weight of water to the weight of solids.
(a) Yes✓
(b) No
28) The void ratio of a soil is defined as the ratio of the
(a) weight of water to the weight of solids
(b) volume of water to the volume of voids in the soil mass
(c) total volume of voids to the volume of soil solids✓
(d) total volume of voids to the total volume of soil
29) The water content ratio of a soil is defined as the ratio of the
(a) weight of water to the weight of solids✓
(b) volume of water to the volume of voids in the soil mass
(c) total volume of voids to the volume of soil solids
(d) total volume of voids to the total volume of soil
30) The degree of saturation for the moist soil is about
(a) 0%
(b) 1 to 25%
(c) 25 to 50%
(d) 50 to 75%✓
31) The approximate void ratio in sandy soils is
(a) 0.2
(b) 0.6✓
(c) 0.8
(d) 1.2
32) When the soil particles are less than 0.002 mm, the force of gravity on each particle is
(a) Less
(b) More
(c) negligible✓
33) Which of the following clay mineral gives maximum swelling?
(a) Kalonite
(b) Montmorillonite✓
(c) Illite
(d) all of these
34) Gravel and sand is a
(a) cohesivecoarse grained soil
(b) cohesive fine grained soil
(c) non-cohesive coarse grained soil✓
(d) non-cohesive fine grained soil
35)The specfic gravity of sandy soils is
(a) 1.2
(b) 1.8
(c) 2.2
(d) 2.7✓
36) Bulk density of a soil is defned as the ratio of
(a) total mass of soil to the total volume of soil✓
(b) weight of water to the weight of solids
(c) unit weight of slids to the unit weight of water
(d) weight of solid grains to the volume of solids
37) The unit weight of soil mass is expressed in
(a) kg / m2
(b) kg / m3
(c) N / m2
(d) N / m3✓
38) The dry density of a soil is same as the unit weight of solids.
(a) True
(b) False ✓
39) Submerged soils are
(a) partially
(b) fully✓
40) If the volume of voids is equal to the volume of soil solids, then the values of porosity and void ratio are respectively
(a) 0 and 0.5
(b) 0 and 1
(c) 0.5 and 1✓
(d) 1 and 0.5
41) The water content of soils can be accurately determined by
(a) sand bath method
(b) calcium carbide method
(c) over drying method✓
(d) Pycnometer method
42) The specific gravity of soil solids is determined by
(a) Pycnometer method✓
(b) hydrometer analysis
(c) sieve analysis
(d) all of these
43) Stoke's law is used to determine the
(a) specific gravity of soil solids
(b) density of soil suspension
(c) grain size distribution of those soils whose grain size is finer than 0.075 mm✓
(d) all of the above
44) Hydrometer analysis is used to determine the density of soil suspension.
(a) Agree✓
(b) Disagree
45) When the hydrometer analysis is performed, it requires correction for
(a) temperature only
(b) meniscus only
(c) dispersing agent only
(d) all of these✓
46) According to Stoke's law, the velocity at which grains settle out of suspension, all other factors being equal, is dependent upon
(a) shape of the grain
(b) weight of the grain
(c) size of the grain
(d) all of these✓
47) The smallest sieve size according to Indian standards is
(a) 0.0045 mm
(b) 0.045 mm✓
(c) 0.45 mm
(d) 0.154 mm
48) Sieving is not practicable for grain sizes smaller than about
(a) 0.075 mm✓
(b) 0.095 mm
(c) 0.15 mm
(d) 0.2 mm
49) The particle size range is measured by
(a) effective size
(b) curvature coefficient
(c) uniformity coefficient✓
(d) none of these
50) A soil having particles of nearly the same size s known as
(a) uniform soil✓
(b) poor soil
(c) well graded soil
(d) coarse soil
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Important MCQ on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering |
51) A soil having uniformity co-efficient more than 10, is called
(a) uniform soil
(b) well graded soil ✓
(c) poor soil
(d) coarse soil
52) Stoke's law is applicable to particles upto
(a) 0.0002 mm✓
(b) 0.002 mm
(c) 0.02 mm
(d) 0.2 mm
53) Sieve analysis is done if all particles to not pass through square opening of 0.075 mm.
(a) Correct✓
(b) Incorrect
54) The ratio of the unconfined compressive strength of undisturbed soil to the unconfined compressive strength of soil in a remoulded state, is called
(a) sensitivity✓
(b) thixotropy
(c) relative density
(d) bulk density
55) The unconfined compressive strength of a very soft clay is
(a) 10 to 25 kN/m2✓
(b) 25 to 150 kN/m2
(c) 150 to 400 kN/m2
(d) Above 400 kN/m2
56) The unconfined compresive strength of a very hard clay is
(a) 10 to 25 kN/m2
(b) 25 to 150 kN/m2
(c) 150 to 400 kN/m2
(d) Above 400 kN/m2 ✓
57) The sensitivity of a normal clay is about
(a) 2 to 4✓
(b) 4 to 8
(c) 8 to 15
(d) 15 to 2
58) The maximum water content of a saturated soil at which a reduction in its moisture does not cause a decrease in volume of the soil, is called
(a) liquid limit
(b) plastic limit
(c) elastic limit
(d) shrinkage limit✓
59) When water content in a soil is reduced beyond the shrinkage limit, the soil will be in a
(a) solid state✓
(b) liquid state
(c) smi-solid state
(d) plastic state
60) The water content in a soil at which just shear strength develops is called
(a) liquid limit✓
(b) pastic limit
(c) elastic limit
(d) shrinkage limit
61) The plastic limit of a soil is defined as the
(a) limit of water that makes the soil to flow
(b) amount of water content which makes the soil to go into the liquid state
(c) amount of water content which makes the soil to go into the solid state from the liquid state
(d) minimum amount of water content which makes the soil to be rolled into 3 mm diameter threads✓
62) When the consistency index is zero, then the soil is at its
(a) elastic limit
(b) plastic limit
(c) liquid limit✓
(d) semi-solid state
63) A soil is in a semi-solid state, if the consistency index is
(a) zero
(b) one
(c) more than unity✓
(d) none of these
64)A soil with consistency equal to one is at its
(a) liquid
(b) plastic✓
65)Toughness index is the ratio of
(a) flow index and plasticity index
(b) plasticity index and flow index✓
(c) liquidity index and flow index
(d) flow index and liquidity index
66)A sample of soil has liquid limit 45%, platic limit 25%, shrinkage limit 17% and natural moisture content 30%. The consistency index of the soil is
(a) 15/20✓
(b) 13/20
(c) 8/20
(d) 5/20
67)The shear strength of a soil in the plastic limit is
(a) higher✓
(b) lower
68)The liquid limit exists in
(a) sandy soils
(b) gravel soils
(c) silty soils
(d) clays✓
69)The plastic limit exists in
(a) sandy soils
(b) gravel soils
(c) silty soils
(d) clays✓
70)The liquid limit minus plastic limitis termed as
(a) flow index
(b) plasticity index✓
(c) shrinkage index
(d) liquidity index
71)When the plastic limit is equal to or greater than the liquid limit, then the plasticity index is
(a) negative
(b) zero✓
(c) one
(d) more than one
72)The shrinkage index is equal to
(a) liquid limit + plastic limit
(b) plastic limit - liquid limit
(c) liquid limit - shrinkage limit✓
(d) shrinkage limit - liuid limit
73)The flow index in soils indicates the
(a) ratio of liquid limit to plastic limit
(b) variatio of liquid limit
(c) variation of plastic limit
(d) shear strength variation with water content✓
74)The clays which exhibit high activity
(a) contain montmorillonite
(b) have high plasticity index
(c) both (a) and (b) ✓
(d) none of these
75)The activity of clay isdefined as the ratio of
(a) liquid limit to plastic limit
(b) liquidity index to plasticity index
(c) plasticity index to clay fraction✓
(d) plasticity index to shrinkage index
76)The ratio of the liquid limit minus the natural content of a soil to its plasticity index, is known as
(a) toughness index
(b) liquidity index
(c) flow index
(d) relative consistency✓
77)Which of the following is highly permeable?
(a) Gravel✓
(b) Sand mixture
(c) Coarse sand
(d) Clay
78)Which of the following is practically impermeable?
(a) Gravel
(b) Sand mixture
(c) Coarse sand
(d) Clay✓
79)A sample of clay and a sample of sand have the same specific gravity and void ratio. Their pemeabilities will differ because
(a) their porosities will be different
(b) their densities will be different
(c) their degrees of saturation will be different
(d) the size ranges of their voids will be different✓
80)The property of the soil masswhich permits the seepage of water through its interconnecting voids, is called
(a) capillarity
(b) permeability✓
(c) porosity
(d) none of these
81)When applying Darcy's law to soils, it assumed that the
(a) soil is incompressible
(b) soil is homogeneous and isotropic
(c) flow conditions are laminar
(d) all of these✓
82)The value of permeability
(a) depends upon✓
(b) does not depend upon
83)Which of the following have an influence on the value of permeability?
(a) Grain size
(b) Void ratio
(c) Degree of saturation
(d) all of these✓
84)If the direction of flow of war is parallel to the planes of stratification, then the permeability is
(a) 2 to 10
(b) 2 to 15
(c) 2 to 20
(d) 2 to 30✓
85)The permeability of a given soil is
(a) directly proportional to the average grain size
(b) inversely proportional to the average grain size
(c) directly proportional to the square of the average grain size✓
(d) inversely proportional to the square of the average grain size
86)The coefficient of permeability
(a) decreases
(b) increases✓
87)The coefficient of permeability of slit is
(a) same as
(b) less than✓
(c) more than
88)The flow net in the seepage ofwater through a soil medium is a network of
(a) flow lines
(b) equi-potential lines
(c) flow lines and equi-potential lines✓
(d) water particles and their movement in the soil
89)A flow net is used to determine the
(a) seepage flow
(b) seepage pressure
(c) exit gradient
(d) all of these✓
90)Which of the following statement is correct?
(a) The flow line are perpendicular to equipotentil lines.
(b) No two flow lines or equipotential lines start from the sme point.
(c) No two flow lines cross each other
(d) all of the above✓
91)The direction of seepage is always
(a) parallel
(b) perpendicular✓
92)The critical gradient of the seepage of water
(a) directly proportional to void ratio
(b) increases with the decrease in void ratio✓
(c) inversely proportional to specific gravity
(d) inreases with the decrease in specific gravity of soil
93)The critical gradient of the seepage of water
(a) increases✓
(b) decreases
(c) does not change
94)The seepage force in soils is
(a) poportional to head loss
(b) proportional to exit gradient
(c) perpendicular to the equi-potential lines
(d) all of these✓
95)The critical gradient for all soils is normally
(a) 0.5
(b) 1✓
(c) 1.5
(d) 2.5
96)The effective stress on the soil is due to the
(a) external load acting on the soil
(b) weightof the soil particles
(c) weight of water present in soil pores
(d) both (a) and (b) ✓
97)The neutral stress on the soil is due to the
(a) external load acting on the soil
(b) weight of the soil particles
(c) weight of water present in soil pores✓
(d) both (a) and (b)
98)The consolidation of a soil is defined as the
(a) process of compression by gradual reduction of pore space under stady load
(b) process which gives gradual decrease of water content at constant load
(c) change in volume of soil due to expulsion of pure water under an applied load
(d) any one of the above✓
99)The coefficient of consolidation is measured in
(a) cm2/g
(b) cm2/s✓
(c) g / cm2 / s
(d) cm2 / g / s
100)The coefficient of consolidation is used for evaluating
(a) stress in the soil
(b) total settlement
(c) over consolidation ratio
(d) time rate of settlement✓
101)The ratio of settlement at any time (t) to the final settlement is known as
(a) compression index
(b) coefficient of consolidation
(c) degree of consolidation✓
(d) none of these
102)The coefficient of consolidation of a soil is affected by
(a) compressibility
(b) permeability
(c) both (a) and (b) ✓
(d) none of these
103)The coefficient of volume compressibility
(a) increases
(b) decreases✓
(c) does not change
104)The ultiate settlement of a soil
(a) is directly proportional to the compression index
(b) decreases with an increase in the initial void ratio
(c) is directly proportional to the depth of the compressible soil mass
(d) all of the above✓
105)The strength of a soil is usually identified by
(a) direct tensile stress
(b) direct compressive stress
(c) ultimate shear stress✓
(d) effective stress
106)The angle of internal friction
(a) varies with the density of sand
(b) depends upon the amount of interlocking
(c) depends upon the particle shape and roughness
(d) all of the above✓
107)The angle of internal friction of round grained loose sand is about
(a) 5° to 25°
(b) 25° to 30° ✓
(c) 30° to 35°
(d) 32° to 37°
108)The angle of internal friction of round grained dense sand is about
(a) 5° to 25°
(b) 25° to 30°
(c) 30° to 35°
(d) 32° to 37° ✓
109)The frictioal resistance offered by sand is
(a) sliding friction
(b) rolling friction
(c) resistance due to interlocking
(d) all of these✓
110)The earth pressure at rest is calculated by using
(a) Euler's theory
(b) Rankine's theory
(c) bending theory
(d) theory of elasticity✓
111)The coefficient of earth pressure at rest for stiff clay is about
(a) 0.4
(b) 0.5
(c) 0.6
(d) 0.8✓
112)If the coefficient of passive earth pressure is 1/3, then the coefficient of active earth pressure is
(a) 1/3
(b) 1
(c) 3/2✓
(d) 3
113)The coefficient of active earth pressure for a loose sand having an angle of internal friction o 30?, is
(a) 1/2
(b) 1/3✓
(c) 1
(d) 3
114)For a sandy soil, the angle of internal frictionis 30?. If the major principal stress is 50 kNm2 at failure, the corresponding minor principal stress will be
(a) 12.2 kN/m2
(b) 16.66 kN/m2✓
(c) 20.8 kN/m2
(d) 27.2 kN/m2
115)The bearing capacity of a soil depends upon
(a) grain size of the soil
(b) size of the footing
(c) shape of the footing
(d) all of these✓
116)The bearing capacity of a soil
(a) increases✓
(b) decreases
(c) does not change
117)The coefficient of passive earth ressure
(a) increases✓
(b) decreases
(c) does not change
118)The unit bearing capacity of footing in sand
(a) decreases with depth of footing
(b) decreses with width of footing
(c) increases with depth of footing✓
(d) increase with width of footing
119)According to I.S. code, the total settlement of isolated footings for cohesive soil should be
(a) 30mm
(b) 40mm✓
(c) 500mm
(d) 65mm
120)The settlement of a footing in sand depends upon the
(a) stress deformation characteristics of sand
(b) relative density of the sand
(c) width of the footing
(d) all of these✓
121)According to Terzaghi's equation, the bearing capacity of strip footing resting on cohesive soil (c = 10 kN/m2) per unit depth and unit width (assume Nc as 5.7) is
(a) 47 kN/m2
(b) 57 kN/m2 ✓
(c) 67 kN/m2
(d) 77 kN/m2
122)In case of footings in sand, if the soil pressure distribution is triangular, the maximum soil pressure is
(a) equal to
(b) double✓
(c) three times
(d) four times
123)Which of the following statement is corret?
(a) The settlement of a flexible footing on choesionless soil is less in the centre that at the edges.
(b) The settlement of a rigid footing on cohesionless soil is uniform throughout.
(c) The settlement of a flexible footing on cohesive soil is more in the centre than at the edges.
(d) all of the above✓
124)The contact pressure of flexible footing on no-choesive soils is
(a) more in the centre than at the edges✓
(b) less in the centre than at the edges
(c) uniform throughout
(d) none of these
125)The high density of the soil placed in a fill is desired in order to
(a) increase its shear resistance
(b) reduce future settlements
(c) reduce percolation through the fill
(d) all of these✓