Engineering Materials_Hand Notes




The most common materials used for construction works are-

Ø  Stone

Ø  Brick

Ø  Cement

Ø  Sand

Ø  Concrete

Ø  Timber

Ø  Soil

Ø  Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Metals 

Ø Plastics etc.


The necessity of knowledge about construction materials

Ø  To have the idea of different types of materials

Ø  To have a preliminary knowledge about their preparation, types, properties and uses

Ø  To know the suitability in different types of construction


Types of Stone

  • Natural Stone
  • Artificial Stone
Natural Stone


Natural stone is obtained from rock.

Classification of Rocks

1)     Geological classification

2)     Physical classification

3)     Chemical classification

4)     Classification based on hardness of the stone

 Geological Classification

    Ø  Igneous Rocks

ü  Granite

ü  Basalt

    Ø Sedimentary Rocks

ü  Sandstone

ü  Limestone

    Ø  Metamorphic Rocks

ü  Marble

ü  Quartzite


Physical Classification

    Ø  Stratified Rocks

ü  All Sedimentary Rocks

    Ø  Unstratified Rocks

ü  All Igneous Rocks

    Ø  Foliated or Laminated Rocks

ü  All Metamorphic Rocks


Chemical Classification

Ø  Silicious Rocks

  • • Predominant constituent is Silica
  • • Very hard & durable
  • • Not easily affected by weathering agents
  • • Granite, Quartzite etc.

Ø  Argillaceous or Clayey Rocks
  • • Predominant constituent is clay
  • • Hard, durable, dense & brittle
  • • Laterite, Slate etc. 

Ø   Calcareous Rocks

  • • Predominant constituent is Calcium Carbonate
  • • Durability depends upon surrounding atmosphere
  • • Limestone, Marble etc.

Classification Based upon Hardness of Stone

Ø   Very Hard Rocks

  •     • Granite, Taconite etc.

Ø   Hard Rocks
  • • Basalt, Quartzite etc.

Ø   Medium Rocks
  • • Dolomite, Limestone etc.

Ø   Soft Rocks
  • • Gypsum, Sandstone etc.      

Uses of Stone

Ø  In masonry work

Ø  For lintels and vertical columns

Ø  For covering floors of buildings

Ø  For paving of roads and foot paths

Ø  For the construction of roads in form of boulders and aggregates

Ø  As an aggregate in cement

Ø  Base material for water and sewage filters, in case of water works and sewage treatment plants

Ø  For the manufacture of cement and lime

Ø    Stone may be used to give massive and pleasing appearance to the building 

Ø Stone is used as ballast in railway tracks

Characteristics and Qualities of Good Building Stone

Ø  The stone should be easily and economically obtainable

Ø  The stone should be hard, strong and durable

Ø  It should be able to withstand the deteriorating action of rough weather

Ø  It should have fine-grained compact texture. The shade of the stone should be of pleasing nature especially where it is to be used in face work

Ø  It should be capable to withstand the effects of smoke and acidic atmosphere. This is particularly important for the stones to be used in very industrialized cities, having polluted atmosphere

Ø  The stone should be free from soft patches, flaws, cavities and cracks

Ø  The stone should be capable to withstand the effects of ordinary fires, without suffering any serious damage

Ø  It should be easily workable

Ø  It should not absorb more than 5 % moisture of its weight when kept immersed in water for 24 hours

Ø  Specific Gravity of stone should not be less than 25

Ø  The fracture of the stone should be sharp, even and clear

Decay or Deterioration of Stones

The causes are -

Ø  Temperature variation

Ø  Wetting and drying of stones

Ø  Frost action

Ø  Polluted atmosphere

Ø  Living organisms

Ø  Vegetation

Ø  Rain water

Ø  Wind

Ø  Chemical disintegration


Artificial Stone

Artificial or cast stone is hardened plain cement concrete, moulded in suitable shape and size.


Ø  Artificial stones consist of 1.5 parts of coarse aggregate of size 3 mm to 6 mm and

1.5 parts of fine aggregate of size less than 3 mm.

Ø  Both coarse aggregate and fine aggregate are obtained from natural stones.

Ø  Both the aggregates are mixed and this mass forms three parts.

Ø  One part of cement is added to three parts of mix of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate and they are mixed dry

Ø  If any specific color effect is to be developed in the cast stone, suitable pigment is added to the dry mix

Ø  Lastly water is added to the dry mix to obtain a mixture of workable consistency

Ø  The plastic mix is then pressed into moulds, cured and dried


Ø  They can be cast in any shape and size

Ø  They can be made stronger than natural stone

Ø  They can be easily moulded and seasoned at the site of work

Ø  Holes may be kept during casting which may be required for pipe or electric wire fittings

Ø  Their mass is more homogeneous and thus their properties are more reliable

Ø  They can be designed for any strength

Ø  They normally do not have any defect

Ø  They are more durable than natural stone

Ø  They do not require any transportation as they can be cast at site

Ø  The progress of work will be faster with precast stones


Stone Quarrying

The site from where stones are excavated is known as simply quarry or quarry site. The process of taking out stones from quarry is known as quarrying of stone.

Selection of Quarry Site

Ø  Distance of quarry from road, railways etc. should not be very large

Ø  Sufficient amount of stone should be assured from the site

Ø  Availability of equipment, labor etc. also affect the selection of site

Ø  Quality of stone available from the quarry should be good

Ø  Drainage from quarry should be easy

Ø  Adequate facilities for transportation of stone should be available

Ø  The site should be away from built up areas when blasting is required




It is a regular sized rectangular unit, used for most of the building works. It is used as substitute for stone, where stone is not available.


Ingredients of Good Brick Earth

A good brick earth mainly consists of silica (sand) and alumina (clay). 

Ingredients of Good Brick Earth

    Ø  Alumina (Clay)

    Ø  Silica (Sand)

    Ø  Lime

    Ø  Oxide of Iron

    Ø  Magnesia       

They are mixed in such a proportion that the resulting mass with water is a plastic mass that could be easily moulded and dried without undergoing shrinkage, cracking or warping.

Alumina (Clay)

v  Alumina is the chief constituent of every kind of clay

v  A good brick earth should contain between 20 to 30 % of alumina

v  Alumina provides plasticity to earth, so that it can be moulded

If bricks contain excess amount of alumina and insufficient sand they shrink, crack and warp on drying and burning 

Silica (Sand)

v  The percentage of silica in a good brick earth should lie between 50 to 60 %

v  Presence of silica prevents cracking, shrinking and warping of raw bricks

v  Excess amount of silica destroys the cohesion between particles and makes the bricks brittle and weak

v  Hence, durability of the bricks depends largely on the proper proportion of silica & alumina in brick earth


v  Small quantity of lime in brick earth is desirable

v  Slight amount of lime in a very finely powdered form acts as a flux and causes silica to fuse slightly at kiln temperature

v  Such slightly fused sand acts as a very hard cementing material and bricks of large strength and durability are obtained

v  Lime present in small proportion also prevents shrinkage of raw bricks

v  Excess amount of lime causes the brick to melt and its shape is lost

v  If lumps of lime are present, they are converted in to quick lime after burning

v  The formed quick lime slakes and expands due to moisture and causes splitting of bricks into pieces

Oxide of Iron

v  Small quantity of oxide of iron (about 5 to 6 %) is desirable in good brick earth

v  It also helps silica to fuse at comperatively low temperature like lime

v  The color of bricks depends on the proportion of iron oxide present in the brick earth 

v  The bricks having very small amount of iron oxide are yellow in color

v  Too much iron oxide makes the bricks dark, blue or blackish

v  Iron also increases the durability and impermeability of the bricks


v  A small proportion of it decreases the shrinkage and gives yellow tint to the bricks

v Excess amount of magnesia causes bricks to decay




Proportion of the Ingredients of Typical Good Brick Earth




Lime & Magnesia

Iron Oxide

Organic Matter


20-30 %

50-60 %

6-10 %


3-6 %



Harmful Ingredients of Brick Earth  

Harmful Ingredients of Brick Earth

• Pebbles of stone & Gravel
• Iron Pyrites
• Alkalies
• Organic Matter
• Presence of Reh or Kallar



v  Presence of lime in large amount is harmful

v  Calcium Carbonate present in lumps is converted to quick lime (CaO) after burning of bricks

v  When these bricks come into contact with moisture, quick lime slakes and causes disruption of bricks because of its expansion

v  Excess amount of lime also causes the brick to melt and its shape is lost

Pebbles of Stone and Gravel

v  They do not allow thorough mixing of the erth and the bricks containing pebbles and gravels are considered very week

v  Such bricks cannot be broken at the desired section and they break very irregularly


Iron Pyrites

Presence of iron pyrites causes crystallization and disintegration of bricks during burning

v  It causes discoloration of bricks in the form of black slag


v  The alkalies are mainly salts of sodium and potassium

v  Alkalies act as flux in the kiln and cause fusion, warping and twisting of the bricks v Alkalies present in bricks absorb moisture from the atmosphere

v  Such bricks when used for masonry work cause deposition of white powder on the surface. Because when drying; the salts, which have come to the surface with moisture, get deposited

v  This action is known as efflorescence, which seriously spoils the appearance of the building Organic Matter

v  Presence of organic matter and vegetation in the brick earth render the bricks porous

Presence of Reh or Kallar

v  These consists of sodium chloride, sodium carbonate and sodium sulphate

v  These elements re-crystalize after burning of bricks and deposit on the surface of masonry in form of whitish spots

v  This causes pealing off the plaster and bricks and ultimately leads to the failure of structure


Broad Classification of Bricks


Classification of Bricks

ü  First Class Bricks

ü  Second Class Bricks

ü  Third Class Bricks

ü  Over Burnt or Jhama Bricks

ü  Under Burnt or Pilla bricks


First Class Bricks (S-grade, BDS 208:2002)


v  Size of the burnt brick is exactly 9.5” x 4.5” x 3”

v  The brick earth is free from small pebbles, lime lumps, organic matter and sodium salts

v  Well burnt

v  Color is uniform yellow or red

v  Surface is regular and sides are parallel, edges are sharp and at right angles to each other

v  Have firm, compact and uniform texture

v  No sign of efflorescence

v  Crushing strength more than 280 kg/cm2 (mean value) and 245 kg/cm2 (individual minimum value)

v  Surface is so hard that finger nails are not able to make any impression on its surface

v  Does not absorb water more than 10 % of its own dry weight after immersion of 24 hours in cold water

v  Metallic ringing sound emits when two bricks are struck against each other

v  Does not break when it is dropped on a hard ground from a height of 1 meter


v  Used in all works of long durability, say 100 years

v  Used for buildings that expose to corrosive environment

v  Used as coarse aggregate of concrete

Second Class Bricks (A-grade, BDS 208:2002)


v  Well burnt or slightly over burnt 

v  Color is uniform yellow or red

v  Generally regular and uniform shape, size and color

v  Uniform texture

v  No appreciable sign of efflorescence

v  Ringing sound emits when two bricks are struck against each other

v  Does not absorb water more than 15 % of its own dry weight after immersion of 24 hours in cold water

v  Crushing strength more than 175 kg/cm2 (mean value) and 154 kg/cm2 (individual minimum value)

v  No finger nail impression


Used in less important structures

v Used for general purposes 

Third Class Bricks (B-grade, BDS 208:2002)


v  Generally under burnt

v  Soft and light red colored

v  Size and shape are not regular

v  Intensive efflorescence

v  Texture is not uniform

v  Emit a dull sound when struck against each other

v  Does not absorb water more than 20 % of its own dry weight after immersion of 24 hours in cold water

v  Crushing strength more than 140 kg/cm2 (mean value) and 105 kg/cm2 (individual minimum value)

v  Leave finger nail impression


v  Not used for important and permanent works

v  Mostly used for temporary works

Over Burnt or Jhama Bricks

v  Over burnt

v  Shape vitrified and distorted


v  Can not be used in construction works

v  Used for making aggregate for lime concrete for foundation v As a road material

Under Burnt or Pilla Bricks

v  Half burnt

v  Yellow color

v  Low strength


v  Crushed to powder form and used as surkhi


Manufacture of Bricks

  • ü  Preparation of Clay
  • ü  Pugging or Tempering of the Clay
  • ü  Moulding of Bricks
  • ü  Drying of Bricks
  • ü  Burning of Bricks


Preparation of Clay or Earth

v  Preparation of clay involves operations like removing the top loose earth, then digging, cleaning, weathering and blending of the earth

v  After removing the top unsuitable soil, the clay is dug either by manual labor or by power excavators

v  Dug out clay is spread on the leveled ground and all the pebbles, gravel, kankar, vegetable matter etc. are removed from the clay

v  The clay is left exposed to atmosphere for softening, known as weathering of clay

v  Digging the earth before rains is advantageous as full monsoon can be utilized for weathering

v  After weathering, the earth is chemically analyzed and if there is any deficiency of any ingredient, it is mixed with the earth

v  Now preparation of clay is completed

Pugging or Tempering of Clay

v  Tempering or pugging of clay involves breaking up of the prepared clay, watering and kneading till the earth becomes a homogeneous mass

v  Water is added to clay in required quantity and the whole mass is kneaded under the feet of men or cattle

v    Where good bricks are required to be manufactured on a large scale, tempering of clay is usually done by pug-mill

Moulding of Bricks

After tempering of clay, bricks should be moulded as soon as possible; otherwise pugged clay may become stiff and moulding of bricks may become difficult

v  The bricks can be moulded by 

ü  Hand moulding

ü  Machine moulding

v  Moulds are rectangular boxes without any top and bottom. They may be made of steel or timber

Drying of Bricks

Wet bricks have to be dried before they are fed for burning in the kilns. The objectives of drying the bricks are

v  To remove as much of moisture from the bricks as possible, so as to save time and fuel during the burning

v  To avoid the chances of cracking and distortion of bricks during the burning

v  To increase the mechanical strength of the bricks, so that they can be handled and stocked without any damage to the bricks

Burning of Bricks

v  Burning of bricks is a very important operation in the manufacture of bricks

v  It imparts strength and hardness to the bricks and makes them dense and durable

v  When temperature of bricks reaches at 650° C, while burning, water of crystallization is removed

v  At about 1100° C, the two main constituents of brick, silica and alumina, combine with each other and bricks become dense and strong

v  Bricks are burnt either in clamps or in kilns



The kiln is a system, designed more scientifically, to burn the bricks in very large numbers. Two types of kilns are generally used

v  Intermittent kiln

v  Continuous kiln

Intermittent Kiln

v  Operation of burning the bricks is not continuous

v  The kiln is loaded, then fired, then allowed to cool and lastly unloaded v This completes one cycle of operations



v  Supply of bricks is intermittent

Quality of burnt bricks is not uniform. Bricks near bottom are over burnt and those near top are under burnt

v  There is wastage of fuel as kiln is to be cooled down every time after burning

Continuous Kiln

v  Continuous in operation and ensures continuous supply of burnt bricks

v  All operations like loading, firing, cooling and unloading are carried out simultaneously in these kilns

v  Mostly used Continuous Kilns are

ü  Bull’s Trench Kiln 

ü  Hoffman’s Kiln

ü  Tunnel Kiln

Hoffman’s Kiln

v  This kiln is circular in plan 

v  The chimney is placed at the centre and twelve chambers are arranged around the chimney forming a circular ring

v  Each chamber has a door in the external wall which is used for loading and unloading of bricks

v  All the chambers have communicating doors in the walls separating each other and all the chambers have a connection with chimney with radial flues

v  The kiln has permanent roof but fuel holes are provided to drop the fuel in the kiln from top

v  In this kiln, all the chambers are subjected to loading, drying and pre-heating, burning, cooling and unloading operations successively and all these operations remain going on all the time simultaneously

All the twelve chambers of the kiln may be functioning as follows


Chamber  no.

Operation involved



2, 3, 4, 5

Drying & Pre-heating

6, 7


8, 9, 10, 11






The circulation of flue gas with this arrangement

Cool air enters the kiln through open doors of chambers 1 and 12

v  This cool air passes through chambers 11, 10, 9, and 8 and in course of time gets heated, while performing cooling of the hot-burnt bricks in these chambers 

v  Now this heated air or gas enter the burning chambers 7 and 6, where it performs the burning of bricks. Fuel is dropped in these chambers from the top

v  After performing burning of bricks, hot gas is led to chambers 5, 4, 3 and 2 where they perform drying and pre-heating of freshly loaded bricks

v  The communicating door of chamber 2 is closed and cooled gas is led to chimney through the radial flue of this chamber

v  Care should be taken that all radial flues except of chamber 2 remain closed and all communicating doors except in the wall between chambers 1 and 2 remain open for this particular arrangement. Outer loading and unloading doors remain closed except for the two chambers, which are being loaded and unloaded 


After the burning of bricks of chamber 7 and 6, the pattern of circulation will be as follows


Chamber  no.

Operation involved



1, 2, 3, 4

Drying & Pre-heating

5, 6


7, 8, 9, 10





Advantages of Hoffman’s Kiln

v  There is perfect control on the heat

v  Supply of bricks is continuous and regular

v  Pre-heating of the bricks by hot gases before they escape into the atmosphere, considerably reduce the consumption of the fuel

v  Bricks are burnt evenly and thus bricks of good quality are produced

v  Percentage of first class bricks is the highest

Disadvantages of Hoffman’s Kiln

v  Initial cost of construction is high

v  This kiln requires regular demand of the bricks which may not be possible 

Desirable Characteristics of Good Bricks

v  The color of good brick should be uniform. It may be deep red or yellow

v  Bricks should be uniform in shape with all its edges sharp, straight and at right angles to each other

v  Size of the bricks should be standard (24cm x 11.5cm x 7cm) as prescribed by Bangladesh Standards (BDS, 2002)

v  The bricks should have fine, dense, compact and uniform texture. 

v  First class bricks should not absorb water more than 10 % of its own dry weight after immersion of 24 hours in cold water

v  Crushing strength more than 280 kg/cm2 (mean value) and 245 kg/cm2 (individual minimum value) (BDS, 2002)

v  The bricks should be so hard that finger nails should not be able to make any impression on its surface when scratched

v  Two bricks when struck against each other should emit ringing sound

v  Bricks should be soundproof and also of low thermal conductivity

v  Bricks should not break when dropped flat on a hard ground from a height of 1 meter 

Tests for Bricks

v  Absorption of Water Test

v  Crushing Strength Test

v  Hardness Test

v  Shape and Size Test

v  Soundness Test

v  Test for Presence of Soluble Salts 

Coloring of Bricks

v  The color of the bricks depends upon the following factors

ü  Burning temperature of bricks

ü  Type of fuel used during burning

ü  Chemical composition of the brick earth

ü  Nature of sand used during moulding

ü  Degree of dryness achieved before burning

ü  Amount of air admitted to the kiln during burning

v  The color attained by any of the above causes is known as the natural color of the brick

v  Bricks can be colored artificially also

ü  By dipping (immersing in coloring mixture)

ü  By mixing appropriate coloring material during preparation of brick earth/clay

Fire Bricks or Refractory Bricks

v  These bricks are manufactured from specially designed earth, so that after burning, they can withstand very high temperatures without affecting its shape, size and strength

v  They are used for lining of chimneys, furnaces etc., where usual temperatures are expected to be very high



v  Cement is a very important building material, which is extensively used in the construction industry

v  Cement is always used in the form of mortar and concrete in construction works and never alone


Natural Cement

v  Natural cement is manufactured by burning and then crushing the natural cement stones

v  Natural cement stones are such stones which contain 20 to 40 % of argillaceous matter and remaining content mainly calcareous matter


Argillaceous Matter

Calcareous Matter 

Silica, Alumina & Iron Oxide  (SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3)

Compounds of Calcium & Magnesium (CaCO3, MgCO3)


v  Since chemical composition of natural cement stones vary considerably from place to place, the properties of natural cement also vary

v  Even cement being manufactured in one factory may be varying in properties

v  For example, hydraulic properties of cement are entirely dependent on the percentage of clayey materials present. If  % of clay is high, quick setting cement is produced with low ultimate strength

v  Examples: Roman cement, Pozzolana cement and Medina cement


Artificial Cement

v  Artificial cement is manufactured by burning appropriately proportioned mixture of calcareous and argillaceous matters at a very high temperature and then grinding the resulting burnt mixture to a fine powder

v  The burnt mixture of calcareous and argillaceous matters is known as clinker

v  A little percentage of gypsum is also added in the clinkers before grinding them to fine powder

v  Gypsum is added to delay the setting action of the cement for some time so that, it can be properly mixed, applied and finished

v  The setting time can be varied by suitably varying the percentage of gypsum

Advantages of Artificial Cements

v  Can be manufactured in any desired color 

v Initial setting time can be easily regulated

v  Rate of hardening can be regulated

v  Rate of evolution of heat can be regulated

v  Properties can be maintained always same by maintaining same composition of raw material

v  Can be manufactured in very large quantities 

Ordinary Portland Cement

v  Common variety of artificial cement is known as normal setting cement or ordinary cement

v  This cement was first invented by Joseph Aspdin of England in 1824

v  This cement resembles very closely to a sandstone, which is found in large amount at a place Portland in England and thus this cement is also referred to as Portland cement

Composition of Ordinary Portland Cement


Name of Ingredients

Typical Percentage (%)

Average Percentage (%)

Alumina or Clay (Al2O3)



Silica (SiO2)



Lime (CaO)



Iron Oxide



Magnesia (MgO)



Sulphur Trioxide



Alkalies (Soda & Potash)



Calcium Sulphate/Gypsum






Functions of Ingredients of Cement

Alumina or Clay

v  Alumina is responsible for setting action of cement

v  Larger the amount of alumina present in the cement, quicker it will start setting

v  Excess quantity of alumina weakens the cement

v  Alumina forms complex aluminates with silica and calcium and imparts the setting property to the cement


v  It also goes in to chemical combination with calcium and forms hard silicates which are responsible for imparting strength to the cement


v  It is the most important ingredient of the cement and its amount in cement is above 60 % of the total contents

v  Its proportion should be carefully decided

v  If lime is added in excess quantity, some part of it is left in forms of free lime which causes expansion and disintegration of cement at the time of setting and hardening

v  Lesser than the required quantity will cause decrease in the strength of the cement, as then sufficient calcium silicates will not be formed, which are mainly responsible for the strength characteristics of the cement

Iron Oxide

v  Iron oxide mainly imparts color to the cement

v  Besides this, it also goes into chemical combination and helps to increase strength and hardness of cement

Magnesium Oxide

v  It also imparts strength and hardness to cement, but only when present in small amount

Sulphur Trioxide

v  Small percentage of sulphur renders cement sound

v  Excess amount of it may make it unsound


v  Alkalies, present in the raw materials used for the manufacture of cement are mostly drive out by the flue gases during burning

v  Still it may be present in the cement in very small amount

v  Excess amount of alkalies cause efflorescence in the cement

Calcium Sulphate/Gypsum

v  Gypsum is used to retard or prolong the initial setting action of the cement


Harmful Constituents of Cement


v  Alkalies are oxides of potassium and sodium

v  If amount of alkalies exceeds 1 % it causes unsoundness of cement


Magnesium Oxide

v  If amount of MgO exceeds 5 % it causes cracks in hardened mortar or concrete as it burns at about 1500° C and slakes very slowly when mixed with water


Proportioning of Cement Ingredients


Acidic Constituents

  • Ø  SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3

  • Ø  Argillaceous Materials

Alkaline Constituents

  • Ø  CaO & MgO

  • Ø  Calcareous Materials 

Neglecting the rest (i.e., CaSO4 & other compounds ≈ 8% of total mass), the % of acidic and alkaline constituents are 32 and 63.5 respectively. The ratio of these constituents is given by:

Sometimes, the index of cementation value (or cement moduli) is used for proportioning raw materials of cement, which is given by:

In the above index, % molecular weight of the individual ingredients is used. Thus,

v  Either index can be used for proper proportioning of cement constituents

v  It is clearly understandable that, the calcareous and argillaceous materials should be carefully selected and proportioned

v  On the other hand, Clinkering helps in a through and intimate mixing of raw materials

v  It ensures a thorough and complete chemical reaction between the ingredients to form the following mineral constituents: 


Name of Compound

Oxide Composition


Range of Percent Composition



3 CaO.SiO2



Di-Calcium Silicate

2 CaO.SiO2



Tri-Calcium Aluminate

3 CaO.Al2O3



Tetra-Calcium Aluminoferrite

4 CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3



Calcium Sulphate (Gypsum)




Other Compounds






Functions/Hydration of Mineral Constituents

v  All the cement constituents are in dry state

v  As soon as water is added to cement, chemical reactions start simultaneously between them

v  The term hydration is applied to all reactions of cement with water

v  The process of hydration is essentially the formation of minute crystals of calcium and gels from the solution of cement and water. It continues for a long time. The hydration rate of different mineral compounds is different as mentioned below

v  As the crystals adhere to one another and to the surface of sand or inert particles of aggregate (with which cement is mixed), the entire mixture gets set and hardened resulting in gaining strength

v  The strength developed depends on the amount of gel formed and the degree of crystallization

v  After setting is initiated, hardening of cement follows and in the course of time, hydration process advances further into the interior 

Tri-Calcium Aluminate (C3A)

v  C3A is one of the first compounds to start hydrating after addition of water

v  Hydration leads to immediate stiffening of the paste, known as flash setting

v  The hydration completes in a day

v  It is responsible for early setting of cement and hampers the workability

v  Gypsum is added to retard the setting action

v  C3A does not contribute any strength to concrete and only contributes to the setting action of cement

Trii-Calcium Silicate (C3S)

v  Hydration of C3S starts after that of C3A

v  Its hydration is responsible for the initial strength of cement

v  The strength acquired during first 7 days is mostly due to hydration of C3S

Di-Calcium Silicate (C2S)

v  C2S reacts with water at a very slow rate

v  Hydration of C2S continues for several weeks

v  It is responsible for the progressive strength of cement, especially strength gaining after a week of mixing

Tetra-Calcium Aluminoferrite (C4AF)

v  It reacts with water instantly after mixing and hydrates simultaneously with C3A

v C4AF has no influence on setting action of cement and hardening

Heat of Hydration

v  The setting action of cement is a process of hydration and is accompanied by generation of heat called ‘Heat of hydration’

v  The C3A generates much of the heat. Similarly, C3S also generates considerable heat during hydration

v  The process of heat generation is quite rapid in the initial phase of the setting, but its rate diminishes with the passage of time

v  1 gram of OPC generates about 120 calories on setting, out of which, 80 calories are generated in first 7 days

v  Special care has to be taken to dissipate this heat, otherwise mass concrete works (dams, rafts etc.) are likely to develop cracks resulting in weakening the concrete

v  A rise in temperature to the extent of 15° to 25°C is observed in many cases. The rise in temperature is the largest during the first few days. But in the large masses of concrete, the maximum temperature is generally reached as late as after 2 to 3 months

v  Therefore, in such cases, the devices for cooling down the interior have to be adopted


False Setting of Cement

v  False setting is the name given to the abnormal premature stiffening of cement within a few minutes of mixing with water

v  It differs from flash setting by following

ü  No appreciable heat is evolved in this case

ü  Re-mixing the cement paste without further addition of water restores plasticity of the paste

ü  The restoration will not cause strength loss as long as it does not set in the normal manner

Some Causes of False Setting

v  Dehydration of gypsum while grinding to powder with too hot clinker

v  Semi-hydrate (CaSO4.½H2O) or anhydrite (CaSO4) are formed and if cement is mixed with water, this CaSO4 hydrates to form gypsum again (CaSO4.2H2O). thus setting takes place with resulting stiffening of the paste

v  Excess alkalies present in cement may cause false setting. During storage, the carbonates of alkalies reacts with Ca(OH)2 liberated by hydrolysis of C3S to form CaCO3. This precipitates and induces a rigidity of the paste

Manufacturing of Cement

Considerations for the Location of Factory Site

v  Climatic conditions at site should be favorable for the manufacture of cement

v  Required labor should be available abundantly and economically

v  Local and nearby area should provide adequate market for sale

v  Supply of electricity should be available abundantly, economically and continuously

v  Raw materials should be available locally

v  Transportation facilities should be available adequately

v  Gardens, parks etc. and other recreation centers should be available

Process of Manufacturing

Cement can be manufactured by following two methods-

1)     Dry process (Modern technology)

2)     Wet process (Old technology)

The following three distinct operations have to be performed in manufacturing of cement by either dry process or wet process.

1)     Mixing of raw materials

2)     Burning

3)     Grinding

Cement Storage

Cement Silos

v  In factory, cement is stored in a large sized, reinforced concrete vertical cylinder, called silos

v  Their diameter varies from 7m to 10m and height from 15m to 24m

v  Cement is drawn from them at the bottom

Cement Packing

v  Cement is packed in gunny bags or in bags of cloth or paper

v  Packing is done with the aid of automatic weighing and packing machines

v  A special rotary type screw feeding device armed with a trigger is provided for filling the bags

v  When a specific quantity of cement is admitted in each bag, the trigger is operated by the weight of the filled bag and the feed is automatically closed

v  OPC weighs 50 kg per bag, which is equivalent to 1.25 cft in volume

Cement Storage by User

The precautions for the storage of cement during works

v  Cement should be stored in a dry place and on a raised platform, which is covered and guarded from sun, wind and rain. A maximum of 15 bags is placed vertically

v  Long periods of storage should be avoided as far as possible

v  Storage of cement in rainy season is not recommended


Types of Portland Cement



English Description (BS)

American Description (ASTM)


Ordinary Portland

Type I


Modified Portland

i. Air Entraining

ii. Expanding

Type II


Rapid Hardening Portland

Type III


Quick Setting Portland



Low Heat Portland

Type IV


Sulphate Resisting Portland

Type V


Blast Furnace

Type IS


Pozzolana Portland

Type IP


White Portland




Air Entraining Cement

v  0.01 to 0.05 % by weight air entraining foaming agents are used. Agents are resinous materials such as vinsol, resin, darex etc. They are added during the grinding of clinker

v  Concrete made with such cement contains minute, well-distributed air bubbles throughout the mass. Air bubble reduces strength by 10 to 15 % and hence, the bubbles should not be more than 3 to 4 % of the volume of concrete

v  Air entrainment improves the workability and durability of cement

v  Such cement is resistant to severe frost action, fire, surface scaling and other similar effects

Rapid Hardening Cement

v This type of cement can be produced by

i) Increasing the fineness of cement (i.e., by increasing their specific surface) ii) Allowing a low percentage of alumina since Al2O3 sets early and offers a covering layer over Calcium and Silica compounds and retards their hydration and hence hardening

iii) Increasing the C3S content to impart rapid hardening. This requires an increase in lime contents and the consequent careful clinkering at a higher temperature. With the increase in lime content in raw materials, however, there is always a danger of the presence of free lime in cement

v  Used for highway slabs, which is to be open to the traffic at the earliest possible moment

v  Used in cold weather concreting because its rapid hardening and high rate of heat evolution protects concrete against freezing

v  Also used for manufacturing of precast elements

Quick Setting Cement

v  Cement possessing initial setting time of 5 minutes and final setting time of 30 minutes

v  It is difficult to work with this cement, as little time is allowed for mixing and laying of concrete; i.e., these works have to be completed in 5 minutes

v  Quick setting property is achieved by

i) Increasing fineness ii) Adding small percentage of Al2(SO4)3

iii) Adding very little or no percentage of gypsum to the clinker during grinding

v  Al2(SO4)3 together with Al2O3 (as an ingredient of cement) hydrates quickly to form C3A and C4AF more in quantity than OPC

v  Used for concreting under running water as quick setting action prevents cementing material from being washed out by running water


Low Heat Cement

v  In mass concrete structures such as dams, retaining walls, bridge abutment, raft etc., the rate of dissipation of heat due to hydration from the surface is much lower than that generated

v  It causes rise in temperature inside the concrete mass and may develop thermal and shrinkage cracks if proper precautions for dissipating the thermal gradient are not taken

v  Under this circumstance, the low heat cement can be effectively used

v  Cement ingredients are proportioned in such a way that C3A and C2S are formed in less amount, but C2S is formed in increased amount so that C2S and C3S collectively impart the same strength as OPC

v  The rate of heat generation is slow initially (as the hydration rate is slow), so both setting and hardening rates are slow initially. But in the later stage both rates are faster than the OPC

Typical composition of Low Heat Cement


C3S (%)

C2S (%)

C3A (%)

C4AF (%)












Pozzolana Cement

v  Pozzolanic materials are mainly burnt clay like surkhi, fly ash or shale. They can be added to cement to react with free lime present in OPC. These materials, though inert, are capable of combining with lime when wet and form cementitious products. Volcanic ash is also used as pozzolana

v  These materials are pulverized and then mixed with cement. Or, they can be mixed with clinker and ground with it

v  The percentage usually varies from 10 to 25 % by weight of the finished cement

v  Pozzolana cements impart plasticity and workability to mortars and cement

v  The free lime present in OPC is liable to leaching action by percolating waters in dams and other hydraulic structures, which are thereby rendered permeable. 

v  Pozzolanic cements, on the other hand, will impart impermeability to hydraulic structures

v  An excess of pozzolanic materials makes mortars and concrete shrink more. Their strength also is proportionately reduced



Tests of Cement

  • Fineness Test
  • Consistency Test
  • Test for Strength
            • Tensile
            • Compressive

  • Test for Setting Time

            • Initial Setting

           • Final Setting

  • Test for Soundness/Expansion Test

  • Test for Chemical Composition               





v  Sand is a form of silica of small grains

v  Formed by decomposition of sandstone due to various weathering effects v Mostly obtained from pits, shores, river beds and sea beds


Sources of Sand

Pit Sand

v  Obtained by forming pits into the soil

v  It is sharp, angular, porous and free from harmful salts

v  Clay and other impurities should be washed and screened before using in engineering purposes

v  Fine pit sand, when rubbed between fingers, should not leave any stain on it. It indicates the presence of clay

v  Used for the mortars

River Sand

v  Found at river beds and banks

v  Fine, round and polished due to rubbing action of water currents

v  Having less frictional strength because of roundness

v  Almost white in color

v  Grains are smaller than pit sand, and hence more suitable for plastering work

v  Normally available in pure condition and hence can be used for all kinds of civil engineering works


v  Obtained from sea-shores

v  Fine, rounded and polished due to rubbing action of water

v  Light brown in color

v  Worst of the three kinds of sand because of containing lot of salts

v  Salts absorb moisture from atmosphere and cause permanent dampness and efflorescence in the structure

v  Sea salts also retards the setting action of cement

v  Besides, it contains shells and organic matter which decompose in the body of mortar and concrete and hence reduce their life and strength

v  Sea sand should be discarded as far as possible

Desirable Properties of Sand

v  Inert completely (i.e. should not have any chemical activity)

v  Grains should be sharp, strong and angular

v  Should not contain hygroscopic salt

v  Should not contain clay & silt, which are harmful ingredients (usually 3-4 % clay

& silt is ordinarily permitted for practical reasons)

v  Should not contain any organic matter


Functions of Sand in Mortar/Concrete

v  Offers requisite surface area for the film of finding material to adhere and spread

v  Increases the volume of mortar and consequently makes mortar more economical

v  A well-graded sand adds to the density of mortars and concrete

v  Prevents excessive shrinkage of mortar

v  Since inert material, it renders structure more resistant against atmospheric actions


Classification of Sand

v Classification is based on ASTM Standards



Fine Sand

ü  FM = 2.20~2.60

Medium Sand

ü  FM = 2.60~2.90

Coarse Sand

ü  FM = 2.90~3.20


Fineness Modulus (FM) of Sand




Example of FM of Sand

Sieve No

Sieve size


Wt. of can


Wt. of

Can+ sand (gm)




% Retained




% Finer

1.5 in








3/4 in








3/8 in








No. 4








No. 8








No. 16








No. 30








No. 50








No. 100



























Tests for Sand

Tests for Presence of Silt and Clay

1)     If silt & clay are present in sand, then could be found out by determining the percentage loss in weight of a sample of sand after washing the same with the aid of clean water.

2)     However, field test can be performed by rubbing a small amount of sand between finger tips. If clay spots are left on finger tips, it indicates the existence of clay in the considerable amount.

Test for Presence of Salt

v  Can be tested by putting some amount in mouth. The test will reflect the presence of any salt.

Test for Organic Matter

v  Make 3 % solution of NaOH & put some sand into the solution. 

v  Close the bottle for 24 hours and meanwhile shake the solution vigorously. 

v  The color of the liquid turns brown if any organic matter is present in sand. 

v  The darkness of color gives the estimation of the amount of organic matter exists in the salt. 

Substitute for Sand

If good sand is not available in the nearby of the site, the substitutes may be used

Stone Screenings

v  Fine particles obtained by screening crushed stones

v  The grains are sharp and strong and impart better strength to the concrete if used


v  Obtained from finely powered burnt clay (brick)

v  Also obtained by grinding slightly underburnt bricks

v  It distinguishes under the action of air and humididty

v  Not used for external mortar


Bulking of Sand

v  Bulking of sand means increase in volume. Fine aggregates (i.e. sand) increase in volume when they posses some moisture

v  It is due to the formation of a thin film of water around the aggregate or sand particles

v  The thickness of this film goes on increasing with more and more moisture. Therefore, the increase in volume of sand mass continues. This increase in volume varies 20~30 % (volume basis) depending upon the fineness of sand. The finer will undergo with greater increase in volume

v  After certain % of water (5~8 %, also depends on the fineness of sand), the volume of sand starts decreasing with the further increase in water and eventually the increased volume completely vanishes, and at this moment, the volume occupied by sand becomes equal to the volume of dry sand


Bulking of sand effects water cement (w/c) ratio and the proportioning of aggregate








v Intimate mixtures having the consistency of a paste and prepared by mixing a binding material (e.g., cement, lime, surkhi etc.) and inert matter (e.g., sand, stone, screenings etc.) and water in various proportions


Types of Mortar

Cement Mortar

v  Consists of mixture of cement, sand & water in suitable proportion

v  Stronger than any other mortar

v  Commonly used in the construction of load bearing wall, columns etc.

v  The proportion of cement to sand (volume basis) varies from 1:2 to 1:6 or even more, such as

      Masonry wall             1:6 to 1:8

      Foundation concrete 1:3 to 1:4

RCC works       


Arch works      



 1:2 to 1:3

Plaster work 

 1:3 to 1:4

Lime Mortar

v  Mixture of lime (fat, normal or hydraulic lime), sand & water

v  If fat lime is used, it should be slaked before using

v  Fat lime mortar proportion                          1:1 v Ordinary lime mortar proportion   1:2 v Hydraulic lime mortar proportion   1:4

v  Hydraulic lime has greater cementing power than others

Mud Mortar

v  Mixture of puddle mud and water at the required consistency

Gauged Mortar

v  Lime mortar with having some cement to increase cementing properties

v  Usually used with fat lime mortar, as this kind of lime possesses very weak cementing property

v  Cement in lime mortar increases its strength, hydraulicity and the rate of setting v Used for brick or stone masonry in foundation


Preparation of Cement Mortar

v  Sand and cement are measured in a dry state and spread to a uniform thickness on a non-porous platform. Cement is spread over sand. As usual, sand is measured in ft3, but cement is measured by weight, 40 kg/ft3

v  For a given batch, the quantity of water to be added is calculated. One half of that quantity is sprinkled on the above dry mix. The mixture is again turned over twice or thrice to prepare a semi-wet mix

v  The remaining quantity of water is added to the semi-wet mix and again the whole mixture is turned twice or thrice to form cement mortar of the required consistency

v  Now the mortar is ready for use. All the work done in cement mortar should be kept wet for about 15 to 21 days for curing by occasional sprinkling with water


Precautions in Using Mortar

v  Bricks or stones to be jointed by mortar should be used by soaking them in water for at least 12 hours

v  After preparation of mortar, it should be used at its destined place as early as possible; cement mortar within 30 minutes of adding water to it and lime mortar within 36 hours

v  Mortar should be stiff but workable; i.e., it should be as stiff as possible without affecting its convenience in use

v  Works made from mortar should be kept wet for two weeks to three


Tests for Mortar

Tensile Strength Test

Using briquette apparatus with minimum cross-section of 1.5”x1.5”

Compressive Strength Test

By using cube (2”x2”x2”) made from cement mortar

Adhesive Strength Test

v  Arrange two bricks in T-shape and use mortar at the intersection line.

v  When they gain sufficient strength after curing of 7, 14 or 28 days, the T is suspended invertedly from the upper brick and weights are attached to the lower brick

v  Weights are gradually increased till both bricks split from each other



Special Mortars

Light weight Mortar

v  Ordinary cement or lime mortar including asbestos. Fibres, jute fibre, wood powder, saw dust etc.

v  For developing adhesion under special conditions, small quantities of glue can be added to mortars

v  Potable water should be used

v  Used for heat or soundproof structures

Fire Resistant Mortar

v  Obtained by mixing firebricks or fire clays with aluminous cement

v  Usual proportion is one part aluminous cement and two parts powdered fire cay

v  Withstand the effects of very high temperature v Used for lining of furnaces, fire places and ovens etc.

X-Ray Shielding Mortar

v  Special heavy mortars (2.7 gm/cm3) are used to cover walls and ceiling of X-ray cabinets

Lean Mortar

v  Cement/lime mortar with very small proportion of cementing material

v  Used to fill the cracks, faults or narrow joints. The process is known as ‘Grouting’







v  Concrete is an artificial material, obtained by mixing together cementing material, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and water

v  If cement is used as cementing material in the mix, it is known as plain cement concrete

v  If steel rods are embedded in the plain concrete, it is then called reinforced cement concrete, abbreviated as RCC. 

v  If instead of cement, lime is used as cementing material in the mix, the resulting mass is termed as lime concrete


Classification of Concrete


Concrete Classification

Ø  Mud Concrete

Ø  Lime Concrete

Ø  Cement Concrete


Mud Concrete

v  This concrete does not carry any importance

v  It is prepared by mixing brick bats in mud mortar

v  Sometimes crushed stone may be mixed with mud mortar to form mud concrete

v  Mud concrete is used for preparing hard base, over which lime concrete may be laid and then permanent flooring may be spread



Lime Concrete

v  This concrete carries lot of importance

v  Hydraulic lime is always used in this concrete

v  Fine sand or finely ground surkhi is used as fine aggregate and brick chips or crushed stone is used as coarse aggregate

v  Firstly, lime and sand/surkhi are mixed together by adding suitable amount of water resulting lime mortar

v  Prepared lime mortar is spread over coarse aggregate stacked in uniform layer and mixed by manual labor

v  It is used

ü  Extensively in foundations of two or three storied buildings

ü  In preparation of hard base for floors

ü  Over roof slabs 

Cement Concrete

v  Cement concrete is very important structural material & there is no structural element that cannot be made from cement concrete or RCC

v  It should be carefully designed, mixed, placed and cured

v  Cement concrete is prepared by mixing together cement, sand, crushed stone/brick chips and water

v  All the ingredients of the cement concrete when freshly mixed, produce a plastic mass which can be poured into suitable forms or moulds to give desired shape to the resulting solid mass

v  RCC is used in all kinds of civil engineering structures

Ingredients of Cement Concrete



Function of Ingredient



Impart binding properties & convert the plastic mix to a solid mass



      Chemical reaction with cement

      Provide workability


Coarse Aggregate 

(Crushed Stone/Brick Chips)

Provide mass or volume to the

concrete & reduce shrinkage effects on it




Fine Aggregate (Sand)



Desirable Properties of Cement Concrete Ingredients



Water Cement Ratio (W/C Ratio)

v  It is the ratio of water to cement in a concrete mixture

v  Strength and workability of the concrete greatly depend on the amount of water

v  For a particular proportion of materials, there is a specific amount of water that gives the optimum strength to the concrete

v  Amount of water more or less than the specified amount, causes decrease in the strength of the concrete



ü  Potable or Drinking Water

ü  Free from acids, alkalies & decayed vegetable matter

Coarse Aggregate

  • ü  angular shape & Rough surface

  • ü  having smaller porosity & absorption capacity

  • ü  free from deleterious materials (coal, mica, alkali etc.)

Fine Aggregate

  • ü  Properly Graded

  • ü  free from salt & other impurities


Properties of Cement Concrete


ü  Properties of Concrete in Plastic Range

ü  Properties of Hardened Concrete


Properties of Concrete in Plastic Range


v  It is a measure of ease with which concrete can be handled from the mixer stage to its final fully compacted stage

v  The proportion and properties of water, cement and aggregates influence the workability of concrete


Elements that Effects Workability



Corresponding Effect


Quantity of water in the mix

Increased amount of water increases workability


Proper grading of aggregate mix

If FA as well as CA are properly graded, workability increases


Amount of cement

Increased amount of cement increases workability


Ratio of FA & CA

If proportion of CA is reduced in relation to FA, workability can be improved


Particle shape

Rounded size particles increases workability



Adding of admixture increases workability


Method of Compaction

Stiff or less workable concrete can be used, if compacted by vibrator



v  Tendency of separation of CA particles from the concrete mass is called segregation

v  Harmful for concrete strength

Causes of Segregation

v  When concrete mixture is lean and too wet

v  When larger and rough textured aggregate is used

Avoidance of Segregation

v  Addition of little air entraining agents in the mix

v  Restricting the amount of water to smallest possible amount

v  All the operations like handling, placing & compaction are carefully conducted v Concrete should not be allowed to fall from larger heights



v The tendency of water to rise to the surface of freshly laid concrete is known as bleeding

Problems due to Bleeding

v  Delays in finishing

v  Loss of particles of sand & cement

Causes of Bleeding

v  Lack of fines

v  Too much amount of water

Remedies of Bleeding

v  By adding more cement

v  By properly designing the mix and using minimum quantity of water

v  By using little air entraining agent

v  By increasing finer part of fine aggregate 


Properties of Hardened Concrete




Compressive Strength


Tensile & Bond Strength




Resistance to wear, weather & chemical attacks






Thermal Expansion



Factors Affecting Proportions of Concrete

W/C Ratio

v  Strength, elasticity, durability and impermeability of concrete is ncreased with decreas in W/C ratio, provided the concrete is workable

v  Shrinkage increases with larger W/C ratio

Cement Content

v  With increase in cement content, W/C ratio is decreased and consequently strength, elasticity, durability and impermeability is increased

v  More cement, improved workability increase shrinkage


v  Rate of setting and hardening of concrete is high at higher temperature

Age of Concrete

v  Strength of concrete goes on increasing with age, though the rate of increase becomes very slow as time passes


v  Size, shape & grading of aggregate control the concrete properties to a large extent

v  Larger the size of the aggregate, greater will be the strength, provided mix is workable

v  Properly graded aggregates give better workability and strength than poorly graded mixes



v  Curing is the process of keeping the setting concrete damp, so that complete hydration of cement is brought

v  Curing improves strength, resistance to wear & weather

v  It reduces shrinkage

v  It increases impermeability and durability of concrete


v  Causes disintegration of concrete

Entrained Air

v  The entrained air in concrete is due to incomplete compaction

v  It reduces the strength of concrete

v  It also increases permeability


Mixing of Concrete

v  The process of mixing cement, water, FA & CA in suitable proportion is known as mixing of concrete

v  This process should ensure uniform color, consistency and homogeneity of the concrete

v  Segregation should not take place during process of mixing

Hand Mixing

v  Hand mixing is used, where quantity of concrete is very small

v  Firstly, cement and sand are mixed dry on a clean, dry & hard platform

v  Dry mixing is continued until the mix attains uniform color

v  The mix is spread over the measured stock of coarse aggregate in required amount and they are mixed dry again to have uniform color

v  A hollow is made in the middle of the mix and about 75 % of the required amount of water is added

v  Mixing is done and remaining water is added to acquire uniform workability

Machine Mixing

v  On large works, machine mixing proves economical and convenient

v  Concrete produced by machine mixing is more homogeneous and can be prepared with comparatively lesser W/C ratio

v  The concrete mixers may be of two types

ü  Batch Mixers 

ü  Continuous Mixers

v  Batch mixers mix and discharge each load of materials separately

v  Continuous mixers produce steady stream of concrete as long as it is in operation

v  Batch type mixers are mostly adopted


Transporting the Concrete

v  Concrete prepared, either by hand mixing or machine mixing has to be transported to its place of use, before hydration of cement starts

v  During transportation, efforts should be made to prevent segregation or less of any of the ingredients

v  The method of transportation of concrete depends on the quantity of concrete and situation of work site

v  Transportation of concrete is done by

ü  Pans

ü  Wheel barrows

ü  Truck mixers

ü  Belt conveyors

ü  Pumps


Placing of Concrete

v  The concrete should be placed and compacted before its setting starts

Precautions while Placing Concrete

v  Concrete should be laid continuously to avoid irregular and unsightly lines

v  To avoid sticking of concrete, form work should be oiled before concreting

v  While placing concrete, the position of form-work and reinforcement should not be disturbed

v  To avoid segregation, concrete should not be dropped from height more than 1m

v  Concrete should not be placed in rains

v  Walking on freshly laid concrete should be avoided


Compaction of Concrete

v  Consolidation of plastic concrete is termed as compaction of concrete

v  In this process, efforts are only directed to reduce the voids in the concrete

v  Compaction of concrete can be done either manually or mechanically

Manual/Hand Compaction

v  It is done with the help of steel tamping rods or timber screeds

v  Narrow & deep members are compacted with tamping rods

v  Thin slabs and floors are tamped with the help of screeds


Mechanical Compaction

v  It is done with the help of vibrators

v  Vibrators produce vibrations, which, when transmitted to plastic concrete, make it flow and affect compaction


Finishing of Concrete

v Finishing means, giving desired smoothness to the surface of compacted concrete v Finishing can be done by Screeding, floating or trowelling


Curing of Concrete

Curing is the operation by which moist conditions are maintained on finished concrete surface, to promote continued hydration of cement

Importance of Curing 

v  If proper curing is not done, complete hydration of cement will not take place and concrete will not acquire its full intended strength

v  Shrinkage will develop in the concrete without proper curing

v    Curing also improves durability, permeability and wear & weather resisting qualities



Methods of Curing


Shading Surface

ü  To prevent evaporation of water from the surface

ü  To protect concrete surface from heat, direct sun & wind


ü  With hessian or gunny bags

Sprinkling Water

ü  Water is sprinkled on the surface from time to time

Ponding of Water

ü  Water is filled in kiaries formed on surface by sand or mud

ü  Used for curing horizontal surface

Membrane Curing

ü  Concrete surface is covered by water proof membrane that prevents
evaporation of water from concrete

ü  Wax, bitumen emulsion, plastic films etc. are common membrane materials

Steam Curing

ü  Adopted in the case of precast members

ü  Hydration of cement is brought within very short time







Ø  Denotes structural wood obtained from tree

Ø  A standing tree is called standing timber

Ø  When a tree has been cut and its stems and branches are roughly converted into pieces of suitable lengths, it is known as rough timber 

Ø  When a roughly converted timber is further sawn and converted into commercial size, such as: plank, logs, batten, post, beam, etc., it is called converted timber


 Difference between wood and timber 

Ø  Wood includes all types of wood which may be burning wood, structural wood, furniture wood, etc. 

Ø  However, wood used as a structural material is called timber


Advantages of using timber

Ø  Easily available everywhere

Ø  High salvage value

Ø  Can be transported easily by converting into small commercial sizes

Ø  Working with timber (i.e., repairing, alteration, addition, etc.) is easy

Ø  Can be easily jointed

Ø  Not corroded (so, it can be used in marine works)

Ø  Light weight

Ø  Withstands shocks better than iron and concrete

Ø  Good insulator of heat and electricity

Ø  Good sound absorbing material


Classification of trees

Exogenous trees

Ø  These trees increase in bulk by the formation of successive annual rings radially on the outside under the bark 

Ø  Every year a new ring is added to the tree section

Ø  Age of tree can be determined from the number of annual rings

Ø  Used for engineering purposes

Two types

i) Evergreen trees or conifers

ü  Having pointed needle-like or scale-like leaves bearing cone-shaped fruits

ü  Yield softwood

ü  Examples: The Pines, Fur, Kail, Ceder, Chir, Deodar and Cypress Trees


ii) Deciduous trees 

ü  Having flat broad leaves, which fall in autumn and new leaves appear in spring

ü  Yield hardwood

ü  Examples: Oak, Mehogany, Teak, Sal, Gorjon, Chambal, Telsu, Nageshwar, etc.

Endogenous trees

Ø  These trees grow inward by depositing each fresh layer internally. 

Ø  Thus, the older formations/layers of wood material are on the outside

Ø  They grow vertically in a fashion that the links (approx. annual growth) placed end-to-end with knot connecting two adjacent links Ø Example: Bamboo, Palm, etc. 


Ø  Characteristically, broad-leaved trees yield hardwood while conifers (needleleafed trees) yield softwood

Ø  Hardwoods are dense with having narrow and well-defined annual rings.

Softwoods are comparatively less dense, lighter in color

Ø  They are not very strong but are soft with straight grains

Ø  Softwoods have more uniformity of structure than hardwoods


Timber Section

Ø Consists of pith, heartwood, sapwood, cambium layer, inner bark, outer bark and medullar ray (Fig. 15.1, page no. 287, Aziz)


Central part, dark colored, consists of cellular tissues and nourishes the plant in its young age; in old age, the pith dries up and decays; Sap is transmitted by fibers deposited round the pith.

Cambium Layer 

A thin layer of sap lying between sapwood and the inner bark; it is full of sap which is yet to convert into sapwood; this is very sensitive layer; if it is exposed by removing the bark, cell stopped transmitting sap into the inner part and the tree dies. 

Medullar Ray

These are thin radial fibers, extending from cambium layer right up to pith. These rays help in holding together annual rings of both heartwood and sapwood. They may be continuous but mostly they are broken. 


Dark colored portion of the tree surrounding the pith. Almost dead portion of tree and does not take active part in its growth. It provides strongest and durable timber for various engineering purposes. 


Light colored wood lying between heartwood and cambium layer. Light in weight and is of recent growth containing a lot of sap. This is the active part of the wood and thus helps in growth in the tree. 


Felling of Trees  

Cutting of trees in order to get timber from them is called felling of timber. The following facts should be carefully considered while felling trees

Season of Felling

Trees should be cut only when sap is not active, i.e., in mid-summer and mid-winter. In autumn and spring sap is in vigorous motion, hence felling should be avoided. For hilly region, mid-summer and for plain areas, mid-winter are proper seasons for felling trees. 

Age of Trees

Trees should be felled only when it has just attained maturity. Under-aged trees would yield more of sapwood, while over-aged trees develop certain defects in heartwood.

Method of Felling Trees

Felling should be entrusted to an experienced person. Before felling, slope of the tree is assessed and cut is given to  the stem on the side of the slope of the tree, as near to the ground as possible. Then cut is made on the opposite side of the slope to fell the tree. 

If tree is to be felled against the direction of the slope, ropes are tied to the tree and pulled to the direction of felling by giving suitable cut to the stem. 


Conversion of Timbers

The process by which timber is cut and sawn into suitable marketable sizes is known as conversion of timber. After felling, stems and branches of trees are cut into logs of suitable lengths. The logs are then transported to the saw-mill and converted into marketable sections (i.e., planks, battens, beams, etc.). 

Sawing of Timbers

ü  Ordinary sawing or cross sawing 

ü  Radial or Rift sawing 

ü  Tangential or slash sawing 

ü  Quarter sawing 

ü  Combination sawing 



Seasoning of Timbers

The process of removing surplus moisture (in excess of equilibrium moisture content) from freshly converted timber is seasoning.

Advantage of Seasoning

v  Seasoned timber is light

v  Improves strength properties

v  Easy to transport and handle

v  Timber less liable to be attacked by fungus and insects

v  Reduces the tendency to shrink and warp

v  Can easily be worked with

v  A seasoned timber maintains the shape of timber article unchanged

Methods of Seasoning

v  Natural seasoning 

v  Artificial seasoning 

v  Water seasoning 

 Natural Seasoning

v  After felling, timbers are sawn into commercial sizes; 

v  They are stacked under covered shed; 

v  Sufficient space is left around each sawn piece for free air-circulation; 

v  Also known as air seasoning;  natural air remains circulating around each piece of the stack  and in due course of time, seasoning is brought about. 


v  No skilled supervision is required; 

v  Simple and cheap method of seasoning; 

v  Thick section can be successfully seasoned. 


v  Since depends on natural air, no control can be exercised over it; 

v  Slow method; depends  on climatic conditions, size and shape of the timber; 

v  Seasoning non uniform and uneven; 

v  Requires large space; 

v  Moisture cannot be brought to the desired level; 

v  Seasoned timber may have end split; 

v  Liable to be attacked by fungus and insects. 


Artificial Seasoning

The drying of timber by exposure to high temperatures in a closed chamber or by applying chemicals, steam and smoke is termed as artificial seasoning. 

Advantages of Artificial Seasoning

v  Rate of drying can be regulated; 

v  No chance of timber being attacked by fungus and insects; 

v  Takes short time; 

v  Desired moisture content can be attained during seasoning; 

v  Better control of air, temperature and humidity; 

v  Seasoning more uniform; 

v  No end splits. 

 Methods of Artificial Seasoning

1)     Smoking;  

2)     Boiling;  

3)     Steaming; 

4)     Kiln seasoning; 

5)     Chemical seasoning; 

6)     Electrical seasoning; 

Water Seasoning

Timbers and logs are immersed and allowed to remain in water for a couple of days, then dried in natural air. In this process, the sap is diluted and is partly removed. 


Decay or Disease of Timber 

Occurs due to fungal action; the fungi feeds on softwood and converts it into powder; however, decay does not occur either due to any chemical action or due to fermentation of sap. 


The Main Causes of Timber Decay are

v  Alternate dry and wet conditions; 

v  Defective seasoning of timber; 

v  Presence of fungi and insects such as marine borer, beetles, termite, etc. 

v  Lack of ventilation; 

v  Dark and damp condition; 

Timber Rots

v  It is a sort of timber decay. During rot disintegration of timber takes place and gases like H2S and CO2 are generated. 

v  Two types

ü  Dry rot 

ü  Wet rot

 Dry Rot

v  Disintegration of converted timber by the harmful effects of certain fungi, which feeds on timber and converts it into dry powder. 

v  Factors responsible are the same as those responsible for decay; 

v  If some timbers are affected by dry rot, the best way is to cut the affected portion; 

v  Dry rot may be preserved by using well-seasoned timber free from sap, and the timber should be adequately ventilated by fresh air; 

v  Detection: by tapping or scratching at one end and placing the ear at the other end of log. 


Wet Rot 

v  It is the decomposition of timber caused by moisture 

v  It is caused if alternate dry and wet conditions prevail around the timber

v  Not caused by fungal attack

v  When unseasoned timbers are exposed to rain and wind, they are liable to be attacked by wet rot

v  In wet rot, the timbers get converted into grayish brown powder

v  Can be prevented by using well-seasoned timber; also using tarred or painted timbers exposing to rain or water

Preservation of Timber

v  Preservation indicates an increase in life by developing resistance to insect attack, fungal infection and disease of timbers

v  A preservative acts like a disinfectant

v  A seasoned timber, since dried, is hygroscope and  to prevent re-absorption of moisture and to impart immunity, the tissues of dry/seasoned wood have to be soaked with some type of a preservative

v  Seasoning, therefore, prepares a timber for preservative treatment by driving away moisture and sap

Choice of Preservative is governed by 

v  Their toxicity and poisonous effects

v  Permanency in their effect in treated wood

v  Should not be injurious to wood tissues

v  Cheaply available and safe to handle v Should allow a decorative treatment

v  Should not disfigure exposed surface of timber

v  Non-inflammable

v  Should have a good covering quality

Methods of Preservatives


v  Crude method; No special preservative is used

v  Timber kept wet for 0.5~1.0 hour and then burnt to a depth of 15-mm and cooled with water

v  A coal layer is formed on the surface which performs preservative functions

v  Layer is not affected by fungi, moisture or white ant

v  Used at lower ends of posts of timber


v  Application of a layer of hot tar on the surface

v  Generally applied to an embedded ends of posts


v  Performs both aesthetic and preservative purposes




v  Creosotes are obtained by the distillation of coal, petroleum or wood substances 

v  Three types: Coal-tar creosote, water gas-tar and wood tar creosote 

v  Creosote oil is applied under pressure on wood surface 

v  Used on piles, poles and railway sleepers, etc. 

Water-Soluble Chemical Salts

v  Used some chemical salts which are not toxic in nature and are also soluble in water

v  They are odorless and can be painted on drying

v  When appearance is important in wood, this type is most suitable

v  Wood treated with water soluble salts requires to be re-dried

v  The effects of these chemicals are lost gradually and so wood requires be painting or varnishing for surface treatment

v  Cheaper than creosote treatment

v  Example: Zinc chloride treatment; Creosote oil + NaF→ known as Wolman’s salt


 Artificial Wood


v  Thin sheets of timber of superior quality 

v  Obtained by rotating wooden logs of the timber against a sharp knife of rotary cutter

v  Thickness 0.4 to 6.0 mm or even more

v  After removing from parent logs,  they are dried in kiln to remove moisture

v  Used for manufacturing of plywood


v  Made from multiple veneers

v  Veneers are taken in odd numbers and are placed one above the other at right angles in successive veneers 

v  All veneers held together with the help of adhesives

v  3-ply, 5-ply, 7-ply, etc. are available; that is, veneers are used in odd numbers in a plywood

Advantages of plywood

v  Suffers little expansion or shrinkage due to change in moisture content 

v  Light and available in large sizes 

v  Available in decorative designs 

v  Not liable to split and cracks

v  Easy to work with

v  Make use of costly timber in most economical manner

 Impreg Timber  

v  Sunmica, formica, sungloss, etc. 

v  Veneers are partly or fully covered with resin; 

v  For this purpose, veneers are taken and immersed in resin. The resin fills in the wood cells and a consolidated mass is developed. The mass is then cured at a temperature of about 150 to 1600° C

 Characteristics of Impreg Timber

v  Strong, durable, good looking, weather resistant, electrically insulated and resists acidic effects

 Compreg Timber

v  Same as impreg timber; except, they are cured under pressure 

v  More durable and stronger than impreg timber


v  Manufactured from wood or other  vegetable fibers; they are rigid boards of thickness varying from 6 mm to 25 mm; width 1.2m and length 3.5 m; 

v  The pieces of woods, cane or other vegetable fibers are heated in a hot water boiler; Due to boiling, the fibers get separated; 

v  These fibers are put in a vessel and steam is admitted in it under a pressure;

v  The steam pressure is then suddenly increased to 70 kg/cm2and this pressure is maintained for a few seconds; 

v  The steam pressure is  suddenly dropped down; in doing so, the natural adhesive contained in fibers is completely separated; 

v  Fibers are taken out of vessel and cleaned off all superfluous gums; 

v  They are spread on wire screen in form of loose sheets and pressed; the resulting material is called fiberboard; 

v  Depending on their form and composition, they are classified as insulating boards, medium hardboards, hardboards, super hardboards and laminated boards. 

v They may be used for following purposes 

ü  For the construction of walls panels and suspended ceilings

ü  Construct partitions

ü  Form-works

ü  As insulating materials against heat and sound ü As tabletops and for flush doors.








v  The term soil is defined as an unconsolidated material, composed of solid particles, produced by the disintegration of rocks

v  The void space between the particles may contain air, water

v  The solid particles may contain organic matter


Classification of Soil

Based on Grain Size


Some Soil Classification Systems

1)     Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)

2)     American Association of State Highways & Transportation Officials (AASHTO) classification

3)     United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) classification
















Well graded


Poor graded


Low plasticity


High plasticity



Importance of Soil in Civil Engineering

v  Any Civil Engineering Structure needs a stable foundation and all foundations constructed ultimately derive their support from the underlying soil

v  Soil is used in 

ü  Construction of embankments, dams

ü  As a stabilized sub-grade for roads, airports & runways

ü  Manufacturing of bricks, tiles, mortar etc.

v  Soil is, therefore, of great importance to engineers as a material of foundation and also as a material of construction


Basic Properties of Soil

v  Moisture Content

v  Specific Gravity

v  Unit Weight/Density

v  Void Ratio

v  Porosity

v  Relative Density

v  Permeability

v  Capillarity

v  Shrinkage & Expansion

v  Compressibility

v  Shearing Resistance


Shearing Resistance

v  Internal Friction

v  Cohesion

𝝉 = 𝒄 + 𝝈 𝒕𝒂𝒏𝝋


𝜏 = 𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑖𝑙

𝑐 = 𝐶𝑜ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑖𝑙

𝜎 = 𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 (𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒) 𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑜𝑖𝑙 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑

𝜑 = 𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛



Phase Diagram

Soil is a three-phase material which consists of solid particles which make up the soil skeleton and voids which may be full of water if the soil is saturated, may be full of air if the soil is dry, or may be partially saturated as shown in Figure


Figure: Air, Water and Solid phases in a typical soil

It is useful to consider each phase individually as shown in following Table


















Index Properties/Consistency of Soil

v  Liquid Limit (LL)

v  Plastic Limit (PL)


Tests for Soil

Laboratory Tsts

v  Atterberg Limit Test

v  Grain Size Analysis

v  Direct Shear Test

v  Tri-axial Test

v  Consolidation Test

Field Tests

v  Standard Penetration Test (SPT)

v  Cone Penetration Test (CPT)

v  Vane Shear Test





v Metals are very much used for various engineering purposes v They are used in structures as doors, windows, pipes, roofing etc.



Ferrous Metals

  • ü  Cast Iron

  • ü  Wrought Iron

  • ü  Steel

Non Ferrous Metals

  • ü  Aluminium

  • ü  Copper

  • ü  Lead

  • ü  Zinc

  • ü  Tin

  • ü  Nobel Metals
    • Gold
    • Silver
    • Platinum


Ferrous Metals

Iron Ores


  • ü  Haematite (Fe2O3)

  • ü  Magnetite (Fe3O4)

  • ü  Iron Pyrites (FeS2)

  • ü  Limonite (2 Fe2O3. 3 H2O)

  • ü  Siderite (FeCO3)


Pig Iron

v  It is the crude impure iron obtained from iron ores

v  Pig iron forms the basic material for the manufacture of cast iron, wrought iron and steel

v  Pig Iron is weak and brittle material and cannot be used for structural purposes Composition of Pig Iron



Percentage (%)






(Sulphur, Manganese,

Phosphorous etc.)




Cast Iron (CI)

Composition of Cast Iron


Percentage (%)






(Sulphur, Manganese, Silicon, Phosphorous etc.)



Properties of Cast Iron

v  Hard and easily fusible

v  Brittle and cannot resist the effects of impacts and shocks

v  Melting temperature is 1250°C

v  Does not rust

v  Becomes soft when placed in water

v  Cannot be magnetized

v  Can be hardened by heating and sudden cooling

v  Strong in compression, but weak in tension

v  Cannot be riveted or welded

Uses of Cast Iron

v  For making CI pipes

v  For man hole covers, flushing cisterns and other sanitary fittings

v  As compression members or struts in trusses

v  For all sorts of castings


Wrought Iron

Composition of Wrought Iron


Percentage (%)






(Sulphur, Manganese, Silicon, Phosphorous etc.)



Properties of Wrought Iron

v  Ductile, tough and malleable material

v  Can be easily forged and welded

v  Cannot be used for casting as it fuses with difficulty

v  Corrosion resistant

v  Melting temperature is about 1535°C

v  Cannot be hardened or tempered

v  Purest form of iron

Uses of Wrought Iron

v  Use of it has been replaced to a very large extent by mild steel

v  Used where tough material is required

v  Used for rivets, railway couplings, water & steam pipes, bolts & nuts, chains etc. v Used in manufacturing hard steel



v  Steel is an intermediate form between cast iron and wrought iron

v  Cast iron contains the maximum amount of carbon, where wrought iron contains the least

v  Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon

v  Pure iron without any carbon content is not very strong but when alloyed with carbon, its strength can be increased remarkably

v  Iron when alloyed with carbon is known as steel, but when it is alloyed with other non-ferrous metals, the resulting products are called steel alloys


Steel Types

  • ü  Low Carbon/Mild Steel

  • • Carbon upto 0.25%

  • ü  Medium Carbon Steel

  • • Carbon 0.25 to 0.7%

  • ü  High Carbon Steel

  • • Carbon 0.7 to 1.5%


Uses of Steel

Low Carbon/Mild Steel

Welding, tubes, sheets,

Rivet, screw, wire, structural shapes, Pipes, shafts, bars etc.

Medium Carbon Steel

Axles, spring wire,

Heavy duty machine parts etc.

High Carbon Steel

Rails, hammers, wrenches, Cutting tool etc.


Factors Affecting Physical Properties of Steel

v  Strength, elasticity, ductility etc. are the physical properties of steel

v  The properties get largely affected by

ü  Carbon content

ü  Presence of impurities like sulphur, phosphorous, silicon etc.

ü  Heat-treatment processes


Carbon Content

ü  Higher the C content, more is the hardness & strength

ü  But consequent decrease in ductility

Presence of Impurities

ü  Excess S reduces ductility & strength

ü  Excess P decreases strength, ductility & shock resistance

Heat Treatment

ü  Increases hardness, resistance to corrosion & heat

ü  Render steel easily workable


Properties of Mild Steel

1)     Specific Gravity (SG) is 7.8

2)     Melting point is about 1400°C

3)     Ductile & malleable

4)     Can be easily welded and forged

5)     Can be given heat treatment easily

6)     Can be magnetized

7)     Rusts easily

8)     Harder & tougher than wrought iron

9)     Used for all types of structural works

Properties of Hard Steel

1)     Can be made permanent magnets

2)     Can be tempered and hardened easily

3)     Can be welded and forged easily

4)     More elastic and tough than mild steel

5)     Readily rusts

6)     SG is 7.9 and melting temperature about 1300°C

7)     Tensile and shear strengths are almost equal


Alloying Elements other than Carbon






Toughness, De-oxidant


High temperature strength, Hardness


Strength, Resistance to Corrosion




Strength, Hardness, Resistance to Corrosion


Corrosion of Ferrous Metals

v  Conversion of metals into their oxides and other compounds by natural agencies is called corrosion or rusting

Causes of Corrosion

v  Exposure of the metallic surfaces to atmospheric agencies

v  Exposure to moist atmosphere

v  Presence of active gases in the surrounding atmosphere

v  Presence of harmful salts in the surrounding environment

Effects of Corrosion

v  Ferrous metal (i.e., steel or iron) loses strength, hardness & ductility

Prevention of Corrosion

Usual Methods of Preventing Corrosion are 

v  Tarring

v  Electroplating

v  Enameling

v  Painting

v  Galvanizing

v  Metal spraying

v  Tin plating


Market Forms of Steel

The available forms are

v  Angles

v  Channels

v  T-Sections

v  I-Sections v Round bars etc.






Aluminium Ores

v  Bauxite (Al2O3. 2H2O)


v  Pure aluminium is a very soft & light metal

v  Has to be alloyed with other metals

v  Highly ductile & malleable

v  Melting point is 658°C

v  SG is 2.7

v  Resists corrosion very effectively

v  Possesses large toughness & tensile strength

v  Silvery white color

v  Can be rolled into sheets

v  Good conductor of heat and electricity


v  When alloyed with other metals is used for making pistons, cylinders in aero plane engines

v  Used in electric cables

v  Used for making automobile bodies, utensils etc.

v  Aluminium paints are made from it

v  Used as protective coating to structural steel work



Copper Ores

v  Copper Pyrite (CuFeS2)


v  Soft and ductile

v  Cannot be rolled

v  Color is reddish brown

v  Melting temperature is 1083°C

v  Specific Gravity is 8.90

v  Not attacked by water at any temperature

v  Good conductor of electricity and heat

v  Can be alloyed with ither metals

v  Can be made strong, hard, tough and malleable by suitable treatment

v  Highly resistant to atmospheric corrosion


v  Very much used in electrical goods and cables, alloys, electroplating etc.

v  Used as material for damp-proof course

v  Used also in the manufacture of thin sheets, water pipes, taps, hardware fittings etc.



Lead Ores

v  Galena (PbS)


v  Soft metal which can be cut by knife

v  Melting temperature is 326°C

v  Specific Gravity is 11.36

v  Forms black impressions on paper

v  Lustrous (shiny/glossy) metal having bluish gray color

v  Not affected by atmospheric corrosion

v  Slightly soluble in drinking water and may cause lead poisoning

v  Resistant to the action of alkalies, sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid

v  Malleable (flexible/bendable) metal and can be rolled into thin sheets


v  Compounds of leads are commonly used as pigments for paints

v  Used in chemical processing industry

v  Only metal for making bullets

v  Used for storage cells, sanitary fittings, water proof and acid proof chambers v Used for gas pipes, printing types etc.




Zinc Ores

v  Calamine (ZnCO3)

v  Zinc Blend (ZnS)


v  Specific gravity is 6.86 v Not affected by dry air

v  Color is bluish white

v  Melting temperature is 419°C

v  Can be rolled into sheets and drawn into wires between 100° to 150°C

v  Brittle at ordinary temperature

v  Not attacked by pure water


v  Used in electric cells and batteries

v  Used for galvanizing other metals

v  Very much used in pains and alloys



Tin Ores

v  Cassterite/Tin Stone (SnO2)


v  When a tin bar is bent, a peculiar sound occurs known as cry of tin

v  Lustrous & malleable metal

v  Silvery white color

v  Melting temperature is 232°C

v  Specific Gravity is 7.30

v  Becomes brittle when heated to a temperature of about 200°C

v  Not affected by dry air and pure water


v  Used in alloys with lead and other metals

v  Used in the form of protective & decorative coatings for metals like iron, copper, brass, lead etc.

v  Used in form of foils for rapping cheese and other products

v  Used in the manufacture of collapsible tubes & pipes for toilet purposes


Nobel Metals and Their Uses






Gold (Au)

Bright yellow metal

SG is 19.3

Melting point is 1063°C

Very malleable & ductile metal Can be beaten to sheets as thin as 0.00001 mm

Considered chemically least active metal

Does not oxidize when exposed to year

Maintains its brightness for years

For making coins & jewellery Also used in electrical field

Silver (Ag)

In malleability & ductility, it is

next to gold

SG is 10.5

Good conductor of heat & electricity

Cannot be oxidized by heat, but can be oxidized chemically

& electrically

Used very much in producing photographic films & papers

Used for coinage, jewellery Silver alloys are used for providing heavy duty bearings

Used for electroplating

A special alloy of silver called amalgam is most widely used by dentists as tooth filling material

Platinum (Pt)

Grayish white color

Very ductile & malleable

SG is 21.45

Melting point is 1773°C Not attacked by water, air, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid & other acids

Readily attacked by aqua regia

Used for making jewellery,

scientific & surgical instruments, standard weights and temperature measuring devices



Some Important Alloys of Non-Ferrous Metals
















Air Craft industry Electric cable

Copper (Cu)

Bronze (Gun Metal)




Making guns, bearings etc.








v  An organic material with high molecular weight

v  Prepared out of resins, with or without the incorporation of fillers, plasticizers, solvents or pigments

v  Resins are the basic raw materials in plastic industry, and generally there is no shortage of the raw materials for the preparation of resins; it can be either of natural origin or synthetic

v  Synthetic resins are produced by the methods of polymerization and condensation


Composition of Plastic 

v  Basically an organic substance prepared from natural or synthetic resins 

v  Other materials like fillers, plasticizers, hardeners, pigments may be added or not 

v  Generally, it is a compound of carbon with other elements such as oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc.

v  Carbon combines with itself and other elements and forms more complicated compounds


Classification of Plastics 

Basically, two types of plastics

i) Thermo-setting plastics ii) Thermo plastics

Thermo-Setting Plastics

v  This variety requires great pressure and a momentarily heated condition during shaping for subsequent hardening 

v  Heat sets up cross-linkages between the molecules, the result of which is an infusible mass that is very hard and resistant to heat

v  It is non-fusible and insoluble

v  During this process, chemical reactions take place, which are not reversible v The scrap of a thermo-setting plastic article is not re-usable Thermo-Plastics 

v  This variety hardens due to a physical change occurring in the materials

v  They could be softened by heat repeatedly, and the linkages between molecules are rather loose 

v  Material becomes more hard as it cools down 

v  The process of softening by heat and hardening when cooled down could be repeated indefinitely

v  This property allows the scrap from the broken and rejected articles, and the trimmings from moulding machines to be re-used

v  They are required to be kept for sometimes in the mould until they cool down and harden

v  They are soluble in many solvents


Various Materials for Plastics

Common Thermo-setting Resins

i) Phenol formal-dehyde  ii) Phenol furfurol-dehyde  iii) Urea formal-dehyde  iv) Casein plastics (casein is an oirganic adhesive, reacts with formal-dehyde to yield a plastic material) 

Common Thermo-plastic Resins

i)    Cellulose derivatives: Cellulose easter, Cellulose ethers  ii)       Acrylic resins  iii)      Vinyl resins  iv)         Styrene plastics (e.g., polystyrene) 


Fabrication of Plastics

The various synthetics stated above do not possess all the properties generally required in the finished plastic articles and have only a limited range of application. For  the purpose of imparting desired properties and for their fabrication or moulding and shaping, the moulding compounds are added. 

Accordingly, the plastic falls into two categories

Simple Plastics

v  These are composed of one polymer, as in the case of organic glass, which consists of one synthetic resin such as methyl metacrylate

v  They are transparent and possess high optical properties

 Complex Plastics

v  These contain one polymer and other compounds

v  The compounds are added to simple plastics to impart the products the required properties

These components are 


v Added to moulding powder, to increase the bulk and lower the cost; reduce  shrinkage during moulding; impart mouldability; also impart some desired properties to plastics. Examples: cotton and wood fabric (fibrous fillers), wood powder (powdery fillers), powdered quartz, glass, cloth and wooden veneers

(flaky or sheet like fillers)


v  Impart plasticity or softness; they are non-volatile oily organic liquids; Examples: tri-acetene, tri-butyl phosphate


v  Organic dyes and imneral pigments are added to plastics to impart a desired color

Oiling Agents

v  Oiling agents such as stearine, graphite, parafin, wax, etc. to prevent plastics from sticking to the mould


v  Control plasticity during moulding; also increase the hardness of resins

Foaming Agents 

v To produce porous articles blowing agents such as sodium bicarbonate, ammonium carbonate are used  

Fabrication Process of Plastics

It depends on the type of the plastics (i.e., thermo or thermo-setting) and shape of the finished products



v Thermo-plastic is softened and then blown by air or steam into a closed mould.

Jars, toys, bottles are cast by this method


v Molten resin is poured in moulds and cured at about 700° C for several days at low pressure; most suitable for cellular plastics

Calendering (Ironing) 

v Plastic materials are made to pass through revolving cylinders.  While passing through first three heated cylinders set, the plastic is turned into thin sheets; It is cooled while passing through the 4th cylinder. Rollers may be provided with artistic design to reflect them on the finished product. If cloth is to be given plastic coating, it is inserted along with plastic material between the second and third heated rollers 


v This process is adopted for thermo-setting plastics. Paper sheets, asbestos, etc. are applied with plastic materials to form plastic laminates. Having pleasing finished surface, used for ornamental and decorative purposes


v It is the most common method for the fabrication of plastic articles. Various common processes are 

ü  Compression moulding 

ü  Cold moulding 

ü  Injection moulding 

ü  Extrusion moulding 

ü  Jet moulding 

ü  Transfer moulding 


Properties of Plastics   

General Properties

v  Possesses a wide range of mechanical properties from soft, highly tensile and extensible products to hard, rigid and brittle materials

v  Properties are usually associated with temperature; having higher coefficient of expansion under heat

v  Having comparatively lower density than metals and hence they are light

v  Having low thermal conductivity

v  Good electrical insulators

 Engineering Properties  

v  Compressive and tensile strength of plastics is high, especially those of laminated plastics, moulded and impregnated fibrous plastics

v  Good workability, by virtue of which plastics products can be manufactured to the required shape (e.g., toys, bottles, sheets, yarns, woven cloths, etc.), by any of the processes, say, casting, moulding, and extrusion

v  Low wear and tear:  Withstand wear and tear due to abrasion satisfactorily

v Appearance and transparency 

v  Gluing of plastics products: The surfaces of plastic products allow easy and strong gluing of lasting nature; thus provides convenience in fabrication of plastic products 

v  Adhesiveness: Plastic glues and adhesives are now becoming very common. They are not affected by fungi, moisture and other climatic conditions; they form a very thin film of strong, durable and covering capacity

v  Chemical stability: Exhibit satisfactory resistance to the corrosive and solvent actions of acids, alkalies and salt solutions 

v  Water proofing quality: Plastics laminae could be made waterproof, which can be used as padding for forming airtight and gas-proof joints.


Use of Plastic in Building Construction  


v Versatile use; thermo plastics or polyvinyls are used for floors in the form of tiles and sheets


v  Corrugated sheets of phenolic-resin-bonded paper laminates manufactured in rather darker shades; provides light, strong and corrosive resistant opaque roofing materials


v  PVC pipes

Decorative Laminated Plastic Veneers

v Versatile sheets marketed under tradenames of formica, sunmica, sungloss, decolum, etc. 

Concrete Shuttering  

v  Moulds and forms of FRP (fiberglass-reinforced-plastics) give the casting concrete shapes of high quality

Doors and Window Frames 

v  Lightweight flush doors and window frames are widely used from FRP

Internal Partitions and Wall Paneling  

v  FRP used widely for this purpose

Temporary Shelters

v  FRP used

Water Storage Tanks  

v FRP water storage tanks are found to be superior to steel and concrete tanks; lightweight, durable, heat resistant, etc. 

Furniture Item  

v FRP chairs, benches and tables are being used for auditorium, hotels, schools, theatre, etc. 


Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP)

v  Glass fibers are used alone or in combination with cotton or jute fabric to prepare fiberglass reinforced plastic products with synthetic resins like phenol formaldehyde

v  The resins are dissolved in alcohol and the glass cloth/fiber is impregnated with the resin solution. They are then subjected to heat and pressure

v  The panels thus produced are strong, durable and make excellent heat insulating wall coverings

v  Glass-fibers and synthetic resins bonded together by a suitable synthetic adhesive and yield glass-veneers like wood-veneers, which can be used in place woodveneers

v  In FRP, glass-fibers provide stiffness and strength, while resin provides a matrix to transfer load to the fibers. 

v  Aesthetic appearance, corrosion resistance, durability, dimensional stability, light transmission, lightweight, etc. are the favorable properties for FRP, which make it popular. 

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