Material Testing

Civil Engineering Material Laboratory Testing Equipments

1. Laboratory Test of Cement 

  • Fineness Test 
  • Consistency Test 
  • Initial and final setting time Test 
  • Soundness Test 
  • Tensile and Compressive Strength Test 
  • Chemical composition  Test 

2. Tests on Aggregates

  • Sieve analysis 
  • Specific Gravity and Water absorption Test 
  • Aggregate abrasion value (AAV)
  • Aggregate impact value (AIV)
  • Aggregate crushing value (ACV)
  • Soundness Test 
  • Shape Test 
  • Attrition Test 

3. Tests on Fresh Concrete

  • Workability 
                    Compacting factor 

4. Tests on Hardened Concrete

  • Non-destructive tests
  • Rebound hammer
  • Ultrasonic pulse velocity
  • Compression test

5. Tests on Soil

  • Water Content 

                Oven drying method 
                Calcium carbide method

  • Particle size distribution
  • Liquid limit 
  • Plastic limit 
  • Free swell index 
  • Specific gravity 
  • Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content 
  • In-situ dry density

                Core cutter method 
                Sand replacement method

6. Tests on Bitumen

  • Penetration test
  • Ductility test
  • Softening point test
  • Specific gravity test
  • Viscosity test
  • Flash and Fire point test
  • Float test
  • Water content test
  • Loss on heating test


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